

come from Hindi. The Japanese word daruma comes a few words, too. For example, 'pajamas' and 'shampod More than 500 million people can speak it, and you know changes." There are 22 official languages, and more thon One of the major official languages of India is Hindi. people live in India. They speak many languages. In India is located in South Asia. More than one bilion Read FACTS abouut India of WATER forara mit A Country Diversity (ad)) ル speech India, there isa saying, “Every four miles the 250 other languages are spoken in India. a few words, too. For example, pajamas' and 'shamn. from Hindi, too. CROWN Tour
Urdu is another official language. It is mostly spoken in northern India. Its writing system comes from Arabic, SO if goes from right to left. The lanquage is known for its beauty and grace. A lot of great literature and poetry are written in Urdu. 5 English is also commonly used. English was not spoken in India until the British came. India was ruled by them from the 1600s to the mid-1900s. Many people needed to learn English. Later, the British left, but their language remained. Now English is used across the country in schools and businesses. Some people use it to talk with friends from other places. These are only three of the languages of India. You will come across many ofthers. Enjoy their diversity and beauty when you visit.
Guide 1 本文中で述べられている3つの言語は何ですか。 次の質問に答えよう。 (1) How nmany people use Hindi? Guide 2 と4てつソソ oyy とを24 (2) What are some examples ofHindi words? ← >ティ いメン) ン6 茶きゅ 会 (3) Where is Urdu spoken? ウノレドゥ - 語はと、こで話されzいるか ~2 (4) What is Urdu known for? ウ1レドゥ -語はベ行でたゃられているか (5) Where in India is English used? インド でいは英語が 使われているのはとこか (6) When do some people in India use English? インドで表ミを使う人はいつか TAGE 3 Think & Talk グループで話しも




(1) ②段落2行目に何人がヒンディー語を話すかが書いてあります。

(2) ②段落3行目にヒンディー語の言葉の例が二つ書いてあります。目印になる単語はFor example 。

(3) ③段落2行目(1行目の終わりから続く)に、ウルドゥー語が話されている場所が書いてあります。

(4) ③段落3行目に注目。質問文にある"~known for ~"という部分に答が書いてあります。

(5) ④段落5行目に英語がどこで使われているか書いてあります。

(6) ④段落6~7行目に英語が「when =どんな時に」使われているか書いてあります。

