

5 次の質問に本文中から見つけ、答えの英文を完成させましょう。 1. Why is Utsunomiya Seika always busy with her duties? Because 2. What will seika do for as long as possible? She will
交通機 つがあ 5 三陸鉄道の運転士, A PRATHULR 宇都宮聖花さんが 自分の仕事について 話しています。 1 Hello, everyone. My name is Utsunomiya Seika. I'm a train driver for the Sanriku Railway. The railway runs along the Sanriku Coast. I have to operate the train by myself, so I am always busy with my duties. However, I like the beautiful scenery from the train windows. I can see and feel the differences of the four seasons. ause she has to 次の日本語に合う語句を, 本文中から探しましょう。 ・・を運転する / 職務 / 風景 T FO 2. TO FO
2 三陸鉄道 True or False? In 2011, a terrible earthquake severely damaged the Tohoku area. I'm originally from Iwate and I became a train driver in Sanriku. Here, the railway is a symbol of the area's revival. Every day, I 5 enjoy face-to-face communication with passengers. Through my work, I will help the local people for as long as possible. Key Words 地震 / …...に損害を与える / 復興 / 乗客 A Train Driver in Sanriku Idea Sharing あなたは地元で働き いですか。 それとも の地域で働きたいて か。 次の日本語に合う語句を、本文中から探しましょう。 1. TO FO 2. TO FO 東日本大震災 受けた三 severely /sivlari x revis face- フェイ com /kam pas /pa バア for pc で


1. Because she has to operate the train by herself. ← [1] 4~5行目
2. She will help the local people. ← [2] 7~8行目


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1 Why is Utsunomiya Seika always busy with her duties?(なぜ、宇都宮聖花はいつも義務で忙しいのか?)

教科書1枚目のページから、I am always busy with my dutiesの部分を探す。(この文章は宇都宮聖花自身が言っていることだから、Iとmyは宇都宮聖花のこと)
I/have to operate the train/by myself,/ so/I am always busy with my duties./

2 What will Seika do for as long as possible?

教科書2枚目のページから、for as long as possibleの部分を探す。
Through my work,/I/will help/the local people/ as long as possible./

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