
高二 英語


in which が文頭に来ることってあるんですか?、


in whichが指すものは1938年だそうです。

www.e 発初めて発 生きているシーラカンス発見←初めて 80 118 br in which year were living coelasanths first discovered? In 複数 (They discovered 00000000 st Line In
Lesson3 Section 3 Contents Lact "Living dinosaurs? You must be joking," you may say. Yet, there is Fr TH a possibility, and I want to present coelacanths as evidence. あげるできょう people believed. (まるともれそれが人々が信じたこと 生きている As you might know, coelacanths lived along with dinosaurs. 倒置法 (do) [3% $(3) dinosaurs became extinct, and so did coelacanths. Or, at least, that' So did S S 絶滅入 そして (省略) 1/tserrr bih men But in 1938, living coelacanths were discovered off the 発見された ・初発見 In 1997, eastern coast of Africa. 176 と合わせて アフリカの東海遅くから離れた所で) = as you kosen. (738 Chirco.. 生きている If coelacanths are alive, why not dinosaurs, too? (There is A T that There may be A Abu Batch But then, その後 s what 離れて more were discovered in Indonesia. Surprisingly, they were first found in fish markets there! tipong シーラガース インドネシア 30t people believe there may be living dinosaurs even now. 人々が恐竜は今でも生きていると思う理 12 RE ck A 物・事 ・省略 the reason hat This is why some →なぜ I agree with them. ~に同意する After all, we never know what the mysterious ocean may still be concealing. 結局の所、 神秘的な (Band) Something W


✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

in (which year )が文頭にあって、見慣れないけど、どの年に初めて見つかったのか訊いているということだね。だから、in which が文頭にきたというよりも、 in +which year が文頭にきたと考える。




whichは疑問詞だよ〜。which food do you like ? の時と、同じ使い方だよ〜

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