

英文 國中


第二部分:題組(第21~43題,共20題) (24~26) The artwork, "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" by Beeple was sold at a record-breaking price of almost seventy million US dollars. This made Beeple, whose real name is Mike Winkelmann, one of the three most expensive living artists now. This artwork is a collage of 5,000 photos about people's life. It took Winkelmann 13 years to finish it. By taking a close look at these photos, people can see the changes in not only the people but also the country over the past 13 years. Different from the artworks people used to see in the museum, "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" is the first Non-Fungible Token (NFT) artwork that can only be seen on the computer. Unlike other photos which might be copied on the Internet over and over again, an artwork with an NFT is just like having the artist's name on it, which saves it from being copied. Thanks to NFT, sellers and buyers can make sure they are the only owners of the great artwork in the world. In fact, any GIFs, photos, and pictures on the computer can be made into NFT artworks. As a new superstar in the art world, Winkelmann's work has turned over a new page in art history. artist 藝術家 Non-Fungible Token (NFT) 非同質化代幣 unlike 和...不同 GIF圖像互換格式 What can we know about "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" from the reading? (A) It tells the history of the country. It took the artist 4,000 days to finish it. X It is the most expensive artwork in history. X (D) It is a new and special type of art in the art world. 25. Which is NOT true about NFT? (A) NFT can help artists to raise the price of their artworks. B/NFT NFT saves artworks from being copied on the computer. (C) It helps artists to send works to buyers through computers. DPhotos or pictures on the Internet can be made into NFT artworks.

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英文 高中

求解57. 感覺選B翻中文翻起來怪怪的(? 謝謝!

dougil 53. (A A B ) We sat on the grass, watching the stars 54. ( 55. ( 9 56. B ) Despite D) Bill is happy that now he can earn (日) 57. ( (DJ utspilt wie Idul Wildl i spre ul naing (D) though had The eight-year-old boy could perform magic tricks a professional magician. (A) as good as (B) so well that (C) too well to (D) as well as in the dark sky above us. (A) to twinkle (B) twinkling (C) twinkled (D) twinkles ) Despite the father got up at 5:00 in the morning and went to work. (A) tired (B) being tired (C) he was tired (D) felt tired as his father does. (A) more as money (B) as much money (C) much as money (D) as many money Rita and Ed are a couple still remains a mystery. Some saw them walk hand-in-hand in a department store, but they don't act like a couple in the office. (A) If (B) Because (C) Whether (D) Whatever ) Gina drank too much coffee yesterday afternoon and had difficulty asleep last night. (A) fell (B) falling (C) falls (D) fallen popular President Obama's. (A) so; that (B) as; like (C) too; to (D) so; as The couple can't afford to buy a house of their own rising housing prices. (A) because of (B) because (C) as long as (D) even though Andy bad eating habits, the condition of his health is getting worse (A) Since (B) As (C) Because of (D) Because ) Kevin me that he up with White. I didn't expect that they would break up so quickly. (A) told; had broken (B) had told; broke 58. 60. (B ) Gina drank too much coffee yesterday afternoon and had difficulty 59. D) President Trump's new policies don't seem (A cu (十) 61. ( 62. (

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