

英文 國中


B (28-30) B 2⁹. In modern times, there is noise pollution everywhere. There are noises from cars, buses, machines, and many other things. Loud noises are bad for our health. They can lead to health problems like headaches, sleep loss, or hearing loss. Of all the health problems, hearing loss is the most common and serious. Remember, once hearing is totally lost, there is nothing we can do about it. Noise pollution also has something to do with children's poor schoolwork. Studies show kids who learn in noisy areas will probably have more trouble with reading and language skills. A new study in 2022 also shows noisy roads near schools could make it harder for kids to learn. To better kids' learning, we should cut down on noise in or around school areas. It is also important to reduce noise pollution at home. There are some easy ways to do it. For example, close the windows when it is noisy outside and open them only during quieter times of the day. In the house, be sure to turn down the radio, music from games, or the TV. A quieter living place will make all family members comfortable and happy. Noise pollution is a serious problem. We cannot be too careful about it. pollution # loss skill reduce 28. Here are three important points in the reading: JHS a. Why noise pollution is bad for learning b. What are the possible ways to reduce noise in the house c. How noise pollution can hurt our health How are they ordered in the reading? (A) a b→c. (B) c-a-b. cab (C) c→b→a. (D) b-a-c. 29. What does it mean at the end of the first paragraph? (A) Bad health. (B) Hearing loss. (C) Noise pollution. (D) The sleep problem. 30. What can we infer about noise pollution from the reading? (A) It is getting more and more serious. (Bt kills thousands of people each year. (C) Reducing road traffic does students good. \(D) Living around noise makes people get angry easily. 文排题库 9 (111903-E) order # paragraph infer 推論

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英文 高中


Ľ 23 control by using cruel discipline. They may think that 24 in fact they aren't. Other people will try to keep their pet punishment and intimidation are the best ways to solve a problem d people abuse animals because they are careless. For example, someoné might forget to give their cat water for a few days or leave their dog in a car on a hot day with the windows rolled up. Some people 25 they can handle. By doing so, the hurt animals instead of helping them by taking in more pets animals end up living in a place that's cramped, dirty and unhealthy. Nearly all of these people can learn to understand (F) Keep 26% they are being cruel to animals through basic and proper education and become a better keeper. OK The next biggest group of animal abusers does it on purpose, but only for a short period of time. For example, a group of kids may throw rocks at a nest of baby birds they happen to see, or hurt a 22 Beat 28 everyone else is doing. in their neighborhood. These people are usually young, and they aren't thinking. Mostly, they do so out of the peer pressure or the need to impress each other. They just go along with This last group of abusers is the worst. These are people who intentionally hurt animals because it makes them feel powerful. By doing so, they think they control the animals. Others enjoy pain and violence. All of the people in the last group suffer from serious, psychological problems y not go away on their own. They often need the help of licensed professionals-like a psychologist. Without help, their psychological problems can that will probably HC 30 them for their whole lives. to that stray (G) what simply 第4頁 共10頁 (H) haunt when (I) with 29 (E) under (J) than 實際与前述不同

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