

英文 高中


3 Qldrfashioned stereotypes of men and women continue to appearjn 了he mass media. Unf ese movies are often seen by children and teenagers who are s如1_theiropinions Of gernderiqe 1 type 中 leads in movies are often _2_intoafew categories. For instfance, you see the strong, s This character jkes being 症 charge, but he seldom shows his emotions. Another stereotype, 和ie action hero, speaks his mind and shows one emotion: anger The jock shows his manly streng也 through sports. This 莫) offemales with his competitiveness. character earns the admiration of ofher males and fhe adorationf On fhe other hangq, fhere is fhe joker who hides his insecurity and emotions behind humor: For women, stereotypes are no more heljpful. The classjc stereotype js 了he sof-spoken princess whose worth js defined py her beauty She js_3_helpless_3_she needs aman to rescue her even此 means changing who she is to win 吃s love) Amore modern stereotype is fhe femme 名tale. Eva Green in 4 toaftractmen for her Own Sin City: A Dame to Ki For is such a character She uses her femininity or personal gajn. A2014 study of fctional ferevision from around the world found some stereotypes as We 59 of the workforce overa崗 less fhan 20% of doctors and less than 10% 9f Women make up less than 2 舌wyers and professors. These frends reflecf_5_women are [ess capable than mer, er audiences,芷would be nice Studio Vvith so many movies and television shows marketed to young executives (行政主管) stop usjng stereotypes. 1 7 (A) layjng down (B) reaging jfo (C) working on (Dcasfing out ssjfied (D) befrayed (1) (2)(C-) (A) negJected (5) installed (C) cla 和人 人 (A) foo; fo (B) suchi; that (GX no gnjy; also (D) so; hat (4) (0) (A) prejugice (B nafjonajjfy (C) neglect (D) glamour ( 和) f 和 (A) the view {that (Bihe view whjch (C) the view As

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