

Cinema Times ZOU 、 June 5", 2005 sh We Li 全人e 玫一一一一 本 7/ ceXcited Out 晤 放 See movies from around the world. ) 和 「 eve 喇bl JM 玫 anyone , S US movie makers. A Study im hews 和 PP1 各 theater, 85 see US movies,。 S movie and 加 2001: Gi > percent makers,。but not for those in otier courtries St 各 店 Ma 出 3(%) qf US movies in 人 1984 countries im 1984 SITE and im 2001 popular nm foreien markets. 胸) of domestic movies in the five i m Chart l, we Can see that US movies have been 辣 1 計 five countries are not ie Chart 2, we ce an see that domestic movies in the , gg Well 所 - domesStic movies may be a their domi leStic market. The falling market for SeTIOuS probl , When people welcome US Po em, but there is so mething more important. Inovies with o 3 American way of thinking. pen arms, they im ohmie people in these countries worry 也at what is lost 巧a7 IOU JSU PS LIEIGe market for domestice movies gf 了inking 了at has been Chart 1 主 % of US movies in 1984 入Wofluue iovioe 200 生漲 主 48 60 53 62 還 7 66 77 France laly Spain UK Germany Chart2 主% ofdomestic movies in 1984 點% ofdomestic movies in 2001 O 45 42 19 呈 絡 18 17. 5 (7 生 | UK Germany Italy Spain _France 馬公球代 ydomestic 當地的 國產的 ; 本國的
zafion”s influence on the fmmoyie 70ddJJ/dUIGOII人條 有 乙 7 HIIOVICS, cstlCc Jmnarket for moyvles,。 Jc makers from around the world,. JP( ped 上5 可ovies make more money aproad than in the US. We 石Om 鍋ce report? aercan way Of 箇inking may pe changed when it js brought to other COLUJfres. 伺 More and more PeoOpJe are asking fheir Country to help their domestice movile fjusjgess.




