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第 48 至 51 題為題組 Many of us have probably experienced déjà vu at least a few times in our life. Its meaning comes from the phrase "already seen" in French, and occurs when we feel that a person, place, or thing is familiar to us without actually having experienced them before. This strange phenomenon happens to as much as 70 percent of the population, but a higher number of 15 to 25 year olds experience it than any other age group. Maybe you just travelled to a new foreign country, and it just felt very familiar to you. Yes, you are feeling déjà vu; however, you know you haven't been there before. While different people experience déjà vu in different ways, it is still a pretty mysterious phenomenon, and researchers are putting the pieces together. Based on some studies, déjà vu is just a part of having a healthy memory checking system, and people who experience déjà vu more often are less likely to forget the details of important events. In fact, the results of the study don't look too promising in terms of mental health for people who never experience déjà vu. Scientists believe déjà vu is created by a neurological anomaly related to an improper electrical discharge in the brain. In short, it's not a mystical prophecy or out-of-body experience, but just your brain playing a trick on you; that is, these scientists dismiss it as just a glitch in the matrix. A few people are just terrified when it happens, but others feel euphoric about it. On average, most people just find it to be a perplexing sensation, neither pleasant nor threatening. Since déjà vu occurs in individuals with and without a medical condition, there is much speculation as to how and why it happens. Several psychoanalysts attribute deja vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes it to mistake the present for the past. Many parapsychologists believe it is related to a past-life experience. Obviously, there is more investigation and researches to be done. So, does this article seem very familiar to you? 48. Which of the following CAN'T be described as a déjà vu experience based on this passage? (A) You keep buying similar style of clothing and you don't know why. (B) You feel you've been to a place when actually it's your first time there. (C) Someone looks familiar to you though you have never seen him before. (D) You just met a new friend whom you think you must have met somewhere. 49. Based on the article, which description about déjà vu is WRONG? (A) It actually is not as harmful to our mental health as we think. (B) Some people who have experienced it may feel a sense of happiness. (C) The word"déjà vu" originates from France, meaning"already seen." (D) Those who never experience it may not be mentally healthier than those who do.

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英文 高中


第 21 至 25 題為題組ysqlinet has abrisit SaodT Staldo Him deas Do you still remember Imhotep, a character referred to as an evil priest in the once blockbuster The Mummy? The movie was released in 1999, written and directed by Stephen Sommers,___21___ Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Actually, the real Imhotep and what he contributed to Egypt are__22__your imagination. ( For over two hundred years, _23___ have been searching for the tomb of Imhotep, who lived during the reigns of Pharaoh Khasekhem and Pharaoh Djoser. ___24_ as a vizier to Pharaoh, as well as a head architect, priest of Ptah (god of craftsmen), astrologist and skilled sculptor, Imhotep designed the first step pyramid in Saqqara. In the society of ancient Egypt, Imhotep was highly respected for his achievements 25 from arts, science, politics, and also religion. He perfected the way of mummification on the basis of his resourceful knowledge to anthropotomy, then developing ni amlit ni yliveed læsvni of amazing medical skills. What's more, he conducted the first brain operation in history. 21. (A) starred 饰演 ho stars bvsiv e'consibus 22. beneath (B) stared (B) behind (B) archeologists (D) who (D) between-ovil" Tofto of tigil baiw Dist (D) physicists (B) To serve FOR 18 Vel lo (D) Served (D) filling B23. (A) biologists D 24. (A) Serve B 23/65 boinlucane ard alloure oeln squado erros sma2 25. (A) judging (B) covering e'nonna su bus wint mi visas auten (C) starring (C) beyond (C) anatomists___SA illet (C) Serving pivom vured ad (C) depending 0105 oqall how ili dguodt nova Ja noilivsq mwisT

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英文 高中


5 Week 6 Day 1 Animals 0 1 2 ▾ Turritopsis dohrnii, the immortal jellyfish 31 G Forever Young Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live forever? Most people consider this an impossible dream, but for one species of jellyfish, immortality is just another part of life. It's been called "the immortal jellyfish," and it is only about five millimeters long, smaller than your fingernail. What's special about this kind of jellyfish is that it can reverse its life cycle by changing its cells in a process called transdifferentiation. After it becomes sexually mature, it can force its cells to become those of a progressively younger version of itself. Its umbrella and tentacles are absorbed back into its body, and it sinks to the ocean floor to become an immature pod, or polyp. This polyp can then produce new jellyfish identical to the adult. One of the benefits of reversing its life cycle is that the jellyfish can survive periods when food is scarce or conditions are dangerous. By returning to its immature stage, it can wait out these harsh conditions as a polyp and emerge again when conditions are more stable. 0 Though it can still be killed by other sea creatures, this remarkable ability to survive against all odds has allowed the tiny jellyfish to spread around the world. Scientists suspect that these immortal animals are being accidentally ferried around the world by long-distance cargo ships. The jellyfish get sucked into the ships and are then transported thousands of miles away from their original habitats. There are now so many in the world's oceans that some are calling it an invasion. The species was discovered over a century ago, but its amazing ability was not noticed until fairly recently. This power to dramatically alter its cells has been of great interest to scientists who are trying to find ways to cure illnesses like cancer and heart disease. These currently incurable conditions could be eliminated by the discovery of how to change one kind of cell into another. BROO G Although it might take a while for scientists to figure out how we humans can permanently avoid dying of old age, there is no doubt that the immortal ab jellyfish ho holds the key to immortality. T life cycle of a jellyfish: polypoid stage (bottom), budding stage (left), and medusa stage (right) Questions mi Insions n 1. Which of the following is the main idea of this article? Main Idea avia The immortal jellyfish is found all over the world. Gol b The immortal jellyfish was discovered in the 1800s.qemi 2A 291igms The immortal jellyfish holds the secret to immortality. 163 092 20506A odr MARY 000 S Den The immortal jellyfish fights for survival.in mont 2. What does this article focus on? a An interesting creature. Scientific discoveries. b An impossible dream. Ship and boat building 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true? de a The immortal jellyfish can theoretically live forever. The immortal jellyfish has spread all over the world. & of folto The immortal jellyfish can alter its cells. ad61A sm60 The immortal jellyfish's ability was known a century age. bhoW 191A awel art of bsd Subject Matter commen bn alevins bermA 13 bris-lasyal *Supporting Details sds ni fripuol lesal 9612 276d eri sonot 36HW Inference. naws 4. Which of the following statements is probably true? a Studying the immortal jellyfish will result in a medical breakthrough. hinuos b The immortal jellyfish population will begin to shrink rapidly ni insy pais Scientists will not find anything useful by studying the immortal jellyfish. 196123 herw Human beings will become immortal within the next decade. 03 art 5. What does the word ferried in paragraph four man? Words in context Lost. Bord Transported.qu adr b Destroyed. of amilzuM 19rito ds1A ynsm bazus za zid yllelonenit a Hunted. B 6. Which of the following could this article also be used as? a A pamphlet advertising skin cream. bA script for a short nature documentary. GAn article in a diving magazine. The preface to a book about sea creatures. Week Day 6 Forever Young a Text Form 97192 bhow adt honpi328W sd!

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英文 國中


(A) erect 16 (B) mock (C) infect UR auryloggiH sviver of mir beglad allon 第8關 (D) patrol 閱讀擂臺 autvloggiH ovse of auo mort noiseimmoq bonisido oH (O) Dr. Stuart Campbell of a private health center in London has published some vloggi no noiletsgo na bentia vituone H (C) ultrasound images of unborn babies between 26 and 34 weeks. The smiles of the babies in the pictures greatly shocked the public and were widely circulated on the internet. 建議作答時間 5 分鐘 anogrod mont boold to althod Hsina sil 實際完成時間 分鐘 For the past two years, the doctor has used the medical facility in the center and has offered state-of-the-art 3-D / 4-D scanning services to expectant parents. He performs an average of 30 scans a week. His outspoken enthusiasm for this blessed technology is refreshing. "Parents love them," he said. "I hear so many couples laughing when they see the pictures-it's wonderful." How have pro-abortion activists reacted after seeing the happy, grinning photos of these unborn babies? aydoal to dirido odT (A)- Anne Carp, a commentator for the Guardian who bills herself as a "medical sociologist," says the photos are simply misleading. She further mocks the anti-abortion lobby for being "excited with evidence of a fetus' humanity." Australian Birth Control bait gaite sesd you boll

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