

英文 高中

請各位大大幫我看看有什麼可以改的 謝謝🙏

soon 16 years old. The teacher asked me front of every students and teachers legs started to tremble and my but what I said "It's the teacher smiled at life-changing speech, I practiced me as nervous not sound in The most embarrassing moment in to The most embarassing my On to calm down the was Stage speech, I heard my in to make a life happened mind is screaming anxiously. 2 my big day the day of me that I couldn't stand still moment. speech the basketball court my school. The moment I recieved this news, heart started to beat as fast as my honor, teacher. I'll do my me and walked be afraid, I tried to look well and tough away. every night in front of on as on the floor my To to my low as I an best." me prepare a mirror when I was making the speech, I was I had to sit and turn J can. . for the My dad told on my appearance, but the I nearly crawled my fast-beating heart. Finally, it's tried to keep my eyesight When I started my samile of my friend laughing quietly in their seat. I forget what I should What's worse, say. with in front of the I've only finished the line "Ladies and Gentleman' my trembling voice! My teacher noticed that I couldn't finish my speech, so she brought me down the stage. Nevertheless, I tripped and fell over principal. I blushed like I could keep the doctors away. Running to the classroom, I cried like a little baby my seat. This couldn't be more suitable to be the most embarrassing momene be the most embarrassing moment in my life. Tave as fast I regretted în it can, as SO as lay down "" on I could

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英文 國中

47 他說要寫出原句,如果說照他這樣子回答的話那答案應該不是寫police officer的職業不是嗎? 為什麼要問他是警察,然後要回答Tom不是警察

D36. IS NOT (A) Neil and his wife are short. (B) Nina is Kathy's daughter. (C) Mrs. Anderson is a nurse. (D) Luke isn't happy to see his mother at school. 36. Who might(T) be a good farmer? (A) Neil Smith. (B) Luke. (C) Mrs. Anderson. (D) Dave Morris. 37. The purple wall is quite(...) s 1. You don't see it often. (*) 38. Mom asks,()“ What do you want() for your birthday g_ya_t?” I say,(32) "An iPad." 三、 字彙:(每題2分, 共 20 分) 39. My mom is quite(...) nice. She cooks(*) my favorite food in the k 40. At 12:30, we have lunch in the d g room at home. My mom always() cooks for us every day. 41. My aunt is a famous(#) wite_r. You can buy her books in the bookstore(書店). 42. My aunt's husband is tall and handsome. He is my favorite uncle. 43. I sometimes(1) give food() to hap stand() near them. 44. Please help()! I see one mouse or() two m 45. Bruce and Brice, the twin() brothers, love e Bruce loves to play with Brice a lot(). 四、 依提示作答:(每題 2 分,共 10 分) 46. Is her new watch great?(改為「複數句」)2% Are her new watches great? y dogs and cats, but I don't 47. No, Tom is a police officer. (依畫線部分造原問句) 2% Is Tom a parcecerficer 國一英語- 7 - e there(那邊)! ho r, and 48. These tomatoes are yummy(美味的). (改為「單數句」)2% This tomato is yummy. 49. This flower(花) is for your wife. (改為「複數句」) 2% These flowers are for your wifes (wives) 50. Where are your cousins?(用「在房間」回答,並且寫下完整句)2% My cousins in the cousins, in the room. are

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讀書計畫 高中

想問學長姐們,這些該怎麼丟,因為寫完後就堆在家中,然後可以給我些高中的建議,我現在陷入了兩難,我不知道要不要留,因為有老師告訴我之後可能會用到,拜託各位給我點建議。 喔喔!因為我想在6/8號前盡情發瘋,所以……對,我是剛剛發現有這麼多………爛…書

教育部商定 RASHE CHBENI ----- INCRES FEBIN FREEZ 24342 TEENN 剪刀包商定 「教育部者定 教育郎者定。 教育部布定一 教育郎睿定 CEREN EEBI设 教育郎商定 教育部睿定 教育部審定 教育腊梅定 教育師賽定 SHERE 4高手: OPERE 103 14專用 OPER ELE 教育部审定 教育部责定 教育机書定日國民中學 ■民中學 |国中科技 (GRETH 國民中學 EFERONER FOREVE IMEAA) C Sam 3114116231 E-m 团中社會 国中社會 國中社會 國中社會 國中英語 國中英語 國中英語 |國中英語 【國中英語 置中英湯味 ︽康軒版 新挑戰 麻辣講義 康軒版 新挑戰 麻辣講義 康軒版 新挑戰 麻辣講美 康軒版 新挑戰 麻辣 康軒版 新挑戰 麻辣講 康軒版 新挑戰 麻辣講義 MES an E 100-15 PERUK 特價:285元 ISBN 978-GS-319-045-0 四川 自然科 自然科學 教育部睿定 |國中國文| 教育部重定 國中國文 教育部毒定 國中國文 教育部商定 國中國文 高雄市立鳳西國民中學 +Hi Kaohsiung Municipal Fongsi Junior High School 3下一寶科技 PEDESE OFD73 UMBALN DEARRES 自 : 自然科學 3上 122 313 3 MTB OR SARREA H3K 37 跨領域文言之閱讀素養 |國中國文 【國中國文 27 2E 1下 【英語】 6. 歡迎 K 71 1:0 Nita inc 英語 斤 T +3 GTR主次段考評量 LO 本 2 檢舉專線0800-016-597 客安德- 支持正版,盜印必究 年 2 班科管 八年 班 號 姓名 鄭質 九年 班 號 | 康軒文教事 C THE CO | 唐打文教事 B 唐軒文登 安身 FEKEK HIS TELLU BEKKE IN CO TEERESE B THE文ELI 康科文教事成 「唐州文教事菜B 「康軒文教事業 B 「康軒文教事業, 「康軒文教事業 A 全区市文區縣 附三次學力綜合評量 22 附三次學力綜合評量 2上附三次學力綜合評量 AO IM XHEL 南一書局 南一書局 一康軒文教事業 C |康軒文教事業 B | 康軒文教事業 B | 康軒文教事業 A 康軒文教事業 A | 唐軒文教事業 A |康軒文教事業 E 翰林出版 " 翰林 出版 n 过三次學力綜合評量 附三次學力綜合評量 雖婉甄 編著 | 康軒文教事業 c 康軒文教事業 A 康軒文教事業 B |康軒文教事業 A 康軒文教事業 A 康軒文教事業 E 翰林出版 - |康軒文教事業 E | 康軒文教事業 1 | 康軒文教事業 A 一康軒文教業 B 康軒文教事業 B 康軒文教事業 c 生涯。 1060 國民中學1 課 主 南 丹知回 安安淨图 中图 局 1223 下 t 中國民中學 3 下 上 數 數 學數數數數學 學學學學 課本 課本 課本 課本 南一書局 南一書局 南一書局 南一書局 9 13 5中國 3 下 課本 南一書局 洪 本尺 ← 341 O Add

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