

英文 高中

想問這幾題 想問為什麼錯的不能用+對的為什麼能這樣用?🙏

英文考科 二、綜合測驗(占10分) +3 on 說明:第11.題至第20.題,每題1分。 bodzowbred no 第11.至15.題為題組 In 1956, African honeybees were introduced into Brazil to improve honey production in the tropical climate of South America. However, they started to mix with European honeybees already living there and produced a new kind of "Africanized" honeybees that are better at setting up hiyes and at reproducing than European bees. Keeping Africanized bees poses a challenge to beekeepers. Generally, beekeepers keep their bees in 11. wooden boxes, or hives. s. Afte After the worker bees fill a hive with honey, the beekeepers open the lid of the hive and blow a few puffs of thick, cool smoke into the hive to help calm 12. easier to collect the honey. the bees, 第 2 頁 共 10 頁 The problem with keeping Africanized bees is that they are more defensive than European bees. Even the slightest bump against the hive may 13. an alarm. A large quantity of smoke is needed to calm the bees. Two or three beekeepers may need to work together to safely harvest the honey. And they may need to wear heavier beekeeping suits even in hot, 14. weather. Beekeepers may also collect less honey from Africanized bee hives. European bees form search parties and work together to collect flower nectar from which honey is made, while Africanized bees usually work alone in search of flowers. Therefore, less nectar is brought back to Africanized bee hives. Africanized bees also spend less time storing honey but more time caring for young bees. That may be because they 15. in a tropical climate where not much honey is needed for food during the winter. (C) starved AB 11. (A) stacked door Lyc (B) stuffed obl (A) which make them (B) so that they are (C) thus it would be D (B) go off (C) call off (A) get off (D) staffed (D) making it DLL CC

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英文 高中

這是110年的指考翻譯,為什麼第一題後面要用the human body 而不是直接寫human body 就好?

Some B o 第貳部分:非選擇題(占28分) 說明:本部分共有二題,請依各題指示作答,答案必須寫在「答案卷」上,並 (A) How to execung demolition at the righ (B) How to collapse a building with explosives. (C) How to use explosives for different purposes. (D) How to destroy a building witte minimum manpower. 一 . 中譯英(占8分) 說明:1.請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案 卷」上。 2.請依序作答,並標明子題號(1、2)。每題4分,共8分。 標明大題號(一、二)。作答務必使用筆尖較粗之黑色墨水的筆書寫, 且不得使用鉛筆。 1. 有些我們認為安全的包裝食品可能含有對人體有害的成分。 coh tains ackaged we thought sute UT * For our health before we health, we buy food 加 think safe to that we budy- 2. 為了我們自身的健康,在購買食物前我們應仔細閱讀包裝上的說明。 should read the explanations. the ackage carefully (6) X Othe hima 。 二、英文作文(占20分) 說明:1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2.文長至少120個單詞(words) elements that is On harmful / dangerous 提示:請以運動為主題,寫一篇至少120 個單詞的文章,說明你最常從事的運 DUDIEST 7000 動是什麼。文分兩段,第一段描述這項運動如何進行(如地點、活動方式、 及可能需要的相關用品等),第二段說明你從事這項運動的原因及這項運 (0 leo T Iont VE parkege 2130 STORE 141 151207

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英文 高中


a Many people love cute things, but not everyone knows how to behave around them. Have you ever spotted a kitten that was 8 cute 8_ it made you angry? Perhaps you had a pressing need to make scary faces at the tiny creature or play roughly with If so, don't worry, because there's a rational explanation for why this occurs. A sudden 9 to act violently around cute things is an example of “cute aggression.” It's part of a phenomenon known as “dimorphous expression,” which occurs when our inner feelings and outer emotions don't match. Some other examples of this behavior are yelling when we receive a piece of good news or crying when we are very happy. Experts believe dimorphous expressions happen in intense situations because they show motivation 10 emotion. For example, growling at a cute puppy likely indicates that a person wants to play with the animal. It's important to point out that only 50% of people behave this way when they encounter something 11_. Perhaps it's because the people who don't show cute aggression aren't feeling intense emotions about the object. Or, they may have more subtle ways of expressing themselves. Cute aggression is not a bad thing at all, 12 In fact, it's probably a helpful tool that teaches baby animals the real difference 24 English Digest. Teacher's Guide · January 2022 有著作權,任何使用需經本社同意 between danger and play. (Unit 9) B 8. (A) as; as A9. (A) urge (B) so; that (B) layout (B) in case of (C) not; but (C) upgrade (C) as for (D) such; that (D) signature (D) as well as D 10. (A) without

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