

英文 國中


lol V-ling(現在分詞)+情狀副詞 = be V+情狀副詞+ V-ing (現在分詞) 動詞+受詞+情狀副詞 = 情狀副詞+動詞+受詞 動詞+介系詞+受詞+情狀副詞 = 情狀副詞+動詞+介系詞+受詞 動詞+情狀副詞+介系詞+受詞 例2 The little girl runs slowly Bill is dancing happily. = Bill is happily dancing. » Jack ca He walked into the room quietly. = He quietly walked into the room. sister looks at me. ( 0 My sister - He chatted with me happily. = He happily chatted with me. = He chatted happily with me. 2. Mir sister looks 練習 圈出正確的答案(可複選) 1. 2. | and 傷心地看著遠方。 Allen 3. He is aprofessional Swimmer, so he can (Swim fast); fast Swim), (is shouting loudly; is loudly shoutingl; loudly is shouting). The baby girl (cried sadly; sadly cried) for her kitten's death, Most sudents in the library read quietly : quietly read) for the entrance exam. The disabled (walked slowly); slowly walked) on the street. He to the teacher 4. and looked sadly 每天在課堂上都仔細聽老師上 I listen 5. 6. 7. 他纸下午一點半的時候狼吞虎 He was eating 「她很冷淡地看著我。 ; 8. cut the paper carefully cut carefully the paper : carefully cut the paper Mom (looked at me coldly; coldly looked at mes boked coldly at me May (walked the dog slowly : walked slowly the dog : slowly walked the dog Ella does her homework quietly : does quietly her homework : quietly does her homework). 10. They happily listened to the song : listened to the song happily: listened to happily the song : listened happily to the song). 9. h WARAT q She looked atr 我們可以輕易地完成這個作 We can finish : 我爺爺每天早起且開心地 練習 依提示作答 My grandfathe 1. Ted /watch TV/ py / last night 學生 力讀英文

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