

第四篇 Though many people have seen bees somewhere in the wild, most of them don't know much about these small flying insects. 1. biologists, most of the bees in a hive are female worker bees. In summer, when there is much activity 2. within a hive, the life of a worker bee can be short. In fact, it may be 3. short 3. six weeks. However, 4. there is no nectar to be harvested in late autumn, a young bee can live longer. In fact, it may be able to 5. for as long as sixteen weeks, right through the winter. Over the course of their lives, worker bees’ duties 6. be dictated by 7.__, they have to perform different tasks at different stages of their lives. For the first few 8. weeks of their lifespan, they have to perform some basic chores within the hive, cleaning 9. maturer, empty cells, removing waste, and making wax for building or repairing combs. After they have to take on the responsibility to guard the entrance. As they become older, they have to keep collecting nectar, pollen, and water 10. leaving the hive daily until they reach the end of their lives. 全新試題 It appears that worker bees do have extremely busy lives, 9 age.
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A吧? "short"為單音節,故其比較級應為"shorter"而非"more short"
也可以從下文"as long as sixteen weeks"看出端倪,
"跟16周一樣長" <---> "跟6周一樣短"
