

英文 高中


VI. 閱讀測驗:9% Which would you rather do: listen to your manager give a 30-minute speech. yourself? Many would choose the latter, as looking for items and knowing that you're the Internet marketing theory or go on a scavenger hunt online and look for the information first one in your group to find them can be lots of fun. Because they're fun, scavenger hunts are being used as a training strategy to make learning material more effective. stay There are many ways to design a scavenger hunt. People can pair up and either s inside and search online for information or go outdoors to find the information. To build teamwork, one could also create a list of questions like "Who can play a musical instrument?" or "Who has traveled to Europe?" Participants have to strike teamwork, conversations with each other and find the answers. Scavenger hunts are an easy and inexpensive way to train people and build t If you're looking for new ideas for your training program, why not give a scavenger hunt a try? ) 1. What is the best title for this passage? (A) New Ideas for Entertainment (B) Methods of Designing a Scavenger Hunt (C) The Need to Surf the Internet for Information (D) A Great Way to Train People and Build Teamwork on up > 2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "participants" in the second paragraph? (A) Fans. (C) Observers. (D) Audiences. (B) Players. ( ) 3. What is NOT suggested regarding organizing a scavenger hunt? (A) People should try to buy what they are asked for. (B) People should go out to find the information they need. (C) People should join together and search online for the information. (D) People should create questions and find the answers through conversations

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英文 國中

求解 第四題

PUTI tests were Adam: Hey, are you still studying? It's very late. Go and get some sleep. We have a big test tomorrow. If you don't get enough sleep, you 1. do well on the test. Brian: Really? You don't seem worried at all. Adam: I was usually worried about tests because I didn't prepare well enough. But the getting more and more difficult, so I had to change. In fact, I 2. things differently this time: I make plans. Brian: What do you mean? Adam: You know that tall and smart girl Helen in our class? One day she called me, when I 3. videos on the Net. In our conversation, she was surprised to know I didn't study yet for the test on the next afternoon when she was fully prepared. I asked how she did this. She said by making plans. It was all about plans. She broke down the whole book in small parts and 4. each part every day. In this way, she could have time for homework and other things. Brian: And are you doing the same thing now? Adam: Yes. At first, I didn't think this was necessary. But her grades made me believe I had to change. Brian: Maybe I should change my ways from now on. Adam: It's a good idea. But that can start from tomorrow. Now, go to bed. We both need clear minds for the test. seem 12 + conversation #fit break down the whole seh necessary 必要的 ABCO 1. (A) aren't (C) wouldn't (B) weren't (D) won't ABCO 2. (A) am doing A (C) did (B) was doing (D) will do C ABCO 3. (A) watch (C) will watch (B) was watching (D) would watch A B C D 4. (A) will study (B) was studying (D) studies (C) studied

已解決 回答數: 2
英文 高中

可以幫我排一下難易度嗎? 我覺得好像差不多 但是只要寫一本 共3本 謝謝🙏

gniwoflol od 10 doinW OA sto ortul ONT (A) baroni od nso isdW JA ord bed vondt.95M lus (A) ylioblo adt (A) impact. Vesostition To Me (B) Oceans and the creatures in them. the covernatoqoqrad mazs verdwenly (C) A biological study and its findings. (0) (D) All drifting animals and algae in the oceans. 2 od tuoda a bomoloq as sy woH (0) 50. What is the purpose of the project mentioned in the third paragraph? (A) To remove junk in the ocean. oe bus cae! (B) To promote tourism in 210 regions. (a) (C) To survey marine organisms. yob (D) To provide more oxygen for the planet. 51 What does the word “mitigate” in the last paragraph probably mean? Luizasowuje s 2i 11 (C) (A) Emphasize. (B) Lessen. (C) Ignore. or cos w Torle (D) Generate. 52. According to the passage, what may happen if the amount of plankton drastically deceases? (A) The ocean may shrink. moms (B) Most marine creatures may die. otsa (5) (C) Diatoms may become prosperous. (D) It may worsen global warming.lus (CI raianpo lobbon To assolst od wolsa 8A 53.256.0 Ri de deprived on Nuclear energy is an appealing alternative to fossil fuels, because it is carbon free and hence doesn't contribute to global warming. However, the radioactive wastes generated after nuclear fission takes place are the principal environmental concern. They must be well disposed of in specially designed pools and then maintained in costly dry storage containers. They are highly radioactive, hazardous to humans even with short-term exposure. The disposal and storage of these radioactive isotopes as well as the decommissioned reactors cost taxpayers more than tens of millions of dollars annually. le; the White sed Scientists are dedicated to the reuse of nuclear wastes. The researchers at the University of Bristol in the U.K. are trying to encapsulate nuclear waste within diamonds. “The radiation is locked safely away inside the gemstone, meanwhile providing a clean energy supply like a long-lasting battery,” said the head of the team. They aim at carbon-14, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of around 5,730 years and available in graphite blocks used to cool the uranium rods. By heating the blocks, scientists convert carbon-14 into a gas and then gather it to form a kind of “diamond”- since diamonds are just another form of carbon. To safely block the short-range radiation it emits, scientists suggest the most solid substance on Earth, diamond, to contain it. A diamond beta-battery comes into being as a result. carly The same as what is confronting in dealing with nuclear waste stockpiles, the diamond battery is highly-priced, too expensive to manufacture. However, researchers are still holding an optimistic attitude toward it, speculating about its possible applications in anything where

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英文 大學


the correct order fo Hefinitions- loit and use: 7esgozerees 上 曙 le_(CSEHDLUE) progressing: UUUE ce十_(BDTUGE) iece of work or Project (EAWKTMRO) (LSIKLS) 乙 ances-- 妃 4 S革 和 主人記 gate he always Jets me uld meet fo gefan _(G 二 ortsupPy fo work 也is pressing- rything yourself. ef. UpJe. fform Of words 、 Business co mmunication 1 Complete the conversation with thewords from helist 同計 方 diygJIz lse 5e7r jpZ7TES of擴 goe7e CIO7e7I4D/ 一jgFPsrcheck 4e記 IPpdqfe jie Fefs 7ed YO7Z7E 7C With 說 Right, so everything 5 4 時寢 tion. Whats next on the list? Ah yes, 位 before Iforget Melinda, can you contact the car / % AA hire people for the VIPs? fer notto詮 that's Melinda Td Pre Tm really busy with the caterers' Henry Oh really? Whats 戰記加計 Melinda The usual Problems Wi mlenu changes- which is whyIcant take anything else or Henry, As Melindazs busy, 1w 了at sormmething you can 3 he WWW0-,Martin? Martin Sure, no problem- Henry Thanks, Martim. Martin You'Te welcome. 9 Henry And《uUM&OVo. we with replies to the invitations, Rebecca? W 國說BY Rebecca Tvesent them outbut 5 人 vwaitng forIeplies from 70 people. Henry Thatmany? Can 6 theyTe coming? (le cx Rebecca No,Ican manage- 可ling them individuauy over the next two days. Thanks, Rebecea. OK Ralph. Can you Hen 3 ) hon briefing the media? Ralph 8 so good. Lve sent outapress release and afew journalists have already confirmed- Henry Good,so” 路6 人weall know what weTe doing. Melinda is dealing with the caterers, Rebecca is handling the invitations, Martin is handling the car hire firm and Ralpt has volunteered to deal with the media. OK, 放 that's everything, 10 |@峽againinaweekt review progTess. CC OK.LTddoitbut (多 1 help you check和it

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