

北 佳 C y mehan 3 A discriminate B 4 (A) grow up BD 5 (A) in spite of (B) Horizontal B) manipulate (B) consist of (B) with regard to (C) accommodate (C) involve in C) for fear of 104 主題日常生活 (D) comam (D) concern with in relation to or taboo in Certain body languages have different meanings in different cultures. Some gestures or touching that Americans accept as normal may be inappropriate another culture. Let's take eye contact and personal space for example. In America, during a conversation, the speaker looks briefly into the listener's eyes, then briefly away, and then back at the listener's eyes again. However, the to look at the speaker's eyes constantly. If you do not look into the eyes of your conversation partner, you'll give the impression that you are not listening, or 7 you are not trustworthy. listener is 6 8 Personal space is another thing you need to be careful of. For example, you not touch an American to make him nervous. Americans expect others to stand, or sit, 9 an arm's length away. If you get closer than this, you may notice Americans moving away from you. They do not 10 dislike you; what tenses them P² may turn to rejoice and characters. unpredictab This k fantasy, is intelligenc is challeng may force be change But the p from light Dur experien
is that you are "in their space." No matter where you are, just give Americans plenty of space. B c D B 6 (A) disturbed 7 (A) what 8 (A) must have 9 (A) at best 10 (A) necessarily AB 二、文意選填 (A) encounter V. (B) reality (S) identica (B) supposed (C) responded (B) which (C) that B) ought to ought ttc) may well (B) at least (C) at last (B) probably (C) consequently (C) tough ad reflect V₁ (D) tolerated (D) why (D) had better (D) at worst (D) effectively significantad


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