

英文 高中

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(A) 醫學健康 :調整高血壓的標準 Leading heart experts in America recently redefined high blood pressure as a reading of 130 over 80, down from 140 over 90. The change, he first In 14 years, meanS that 46 percent of U.S. adults, many of whom 外 unmder 45, will now be conSidered hypertensive. Under the previous gulideline, 32 percent Of U.S. adults had high blood presSure. The guldelines should be in clinical practice, wilth moSst health care providers expected to follow 和he recommendations..In addition to aghtening the definition of high blood pressure, 也e new report _3 the old 「 category of“pre-hypertension,”which was defined as a top (systolic) reading 0f 120 to 139 or abottom (diastolic) number between 80 and 89. The gulidelines suggest that doctors recommend lifestyle changes for people With hypertenSslon. An lmportant cornerstone of 了hese new guldelines 1s a strong ermphasls on lifestyle changes as the first line of therapy. There Is an opportunlty to reduce TISK without necessarlly /4/ medicatlons. Hilgh blood pressure 1s the leading cause of death worldwide, resulting in cardlovascular disease, strokeS, | severe kidney disease and other maladies. Blood pressure 1s affected by a wide Yariety of factors including genetlcs, age, diet, exerclse, stress and other diseases such as diabetes. Many people are unaware that they have the condition because there are no symptoms, which 1s why hypertensionls often calleda 522 I.(A) age (B) aglng (C) are aged (D) belng aged 2. (A) Inessentlal (B) influential (C) controversl1al (D) confidential 3. (A) does away with_(B) looks out upon (C) stands up for (D)makes room for 4. (A) enacting (B) eatlng (C) reallzlng (D) 1mposlng 3. (A) ]azy Susle (B) page-turner (C) sllent killler“ (D)penny-plincher 人和 和 說

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