

英文 高中


WISDOM ENGLISH broader of the D Talk their iver als. out of d Unit 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience a student exchange program has really opened my eyes 2 the cultural differences between my country and Taiwan. One of the most memorable parts of my trip was when host family invited me to a wedding banquet in Kaohsiung. my 3 arriving at the banquet, I soon realized that it was totally different from what I'd expected. Back in the US, banquets are usually held in large dining halls. This one, taking place right out on the street! 4 was tent occupied nearly half the street. However, none of the pedestrians or the people in passing vehicles looked like they cared. Under the tent, guests sat at large round tables, chatting cheerfully. At one end of this temporary tent, there were cooks and assistants up shelter all the guests from the fierce sun, a huge delicious-looking food. 7 6 energetically to prepare platters of quite curious about how this fascinating custom of "open-air" banquets had first come about, I asked my host parents. The host father explained that this kind of banquet, known as a "ban- doh" in Taiwanese, 8 in the countryside. In the old days, when people gathered for a special event such as a wedding or an elder's birthday, everyone in the neighborhood would 10 9 to a ban-doh. The host would prepare all ingredients for the meal, and the neighbors would help out. Some would do the cooking, while others might provide tables, chairs, and eating utensils or assist in other ways. They would then all relax and enjoy the banquet together. The ban-doh back then was all about enjoying a sense of community and togetherness. Having the chance to experience this fascinating event, I feel truly lucky. It is the first story that I will share with my friends and family when they ask me about my student exchange experience in Taiwan. (A)1. (A)Taking part in 0809 (A) backward 4 (0) 3. (A) Upon B)4. B) 5. (A) Putting (A) In other words (D) in front of Until (D) In particular (B) Took part in (B) toward (C) Takes part in (C) regarding (D)Taken part in (B) as soon as (B) on the other hand (B) Put the moment (C) additionally (C)To put (D) Have put B) 6. (A) work (B) working 7. (A) Were (B) Feel XC) t (C) Being to work (D) worked 8. (A) originate (B) originating (C) to originate (D) Felt (D) originated (9. (A)cooperate (B) introduce (C) initiate (D) correspond ) 10. (A) revenge (B) arrange (C) arrest (D) commit

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英文 國中

大概有七題的英文文法問題 (有打勾勾的地方✔️(我把他整理成一張圖片了 感謝善心人士解答💗💗

B (用於否定句 (B)where (A)what MEGK MSX FILTE yourself. (C)whether (D)how you see is not necessarily true. You should find the answer opol (A)That (B)What (C)Which (D)How (A)who (B)whom (C)which (D)when The five-star hotel (A)for (B)in F (C)with ☆! can't understand this article. It is written (D) English. Can you help me? you (A)by (B) of (C)on (D)in [OAG Mr. Wang grows a lot of fruit (A)which eats (B)it smells we stayed last night is really beautiful and (D)from sweet and juicy. (C)it is (D)that tastes 3. Mr. Chen is a busy businessman. He likes to spend his free time hungry to death! 260206 (A)with (B)without (C)from EXE MSG (D) off 2pG T8 Brian is a famous musician. He became successful² dnie Bood again and again. USE (B)with practicing Je Tue 50 su WARUSM 16 129 Cute cou (A)by (C)along (D)for 8. The boy is really a genius. He entered a great college and became a A (A)beside (B)around The airplane was flying (A)through A 14. (B)across GLEN (C)under Taipei and Hong Kong. (C)between (D)among (D)between 為所環繞 (Alfor (D)ofue 14. This movie is pats only. It is full of volence and blood. Bito (C)from Macy is my new friend I knew on the Internet. She is a Canadian, and we often send e-mails to each other. Macy's birthday is 16 June 20, and she is fifteen this year. She plays basketball very well. Actually, she is quite good _17_ sports. She is going to play a ball game for her class next week, and she 18 it. 16. (A)in Mour to 2(B)at 1 (A)on (B)at pong (C)on (C)inabi (C)worried with MOER EAGLA (D)satisfied with (D)x (D) of )18. (A)is excited about ex2999 (B)is interesting in C Dear Vivian:LICE back so late. Paul's 19 his place. - How have you been recently? Sorry for writing you birthday is coming soon. He is going to have a birthday party He'll prepare for some cookies, cakes, and drinks. I'll give him a card and a present. that day? Please let me know. about pe ce quis Will you come 20 (B)0 (clop (D)W Love, Ann 19. (A)at g 218 (B)below (C)over (D)into RPC Aom (A)by (B)with (C)on (D)in

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公民與社會 高中


據外媒報導,馬來西亞於2022年11月19日舉行國會大選,國內主要政黨聯盟中, 在野聯盟領袖安華(Anwar Ibrahim)為首的「希望聯盟」(Hope Pact)拿下82席,前線 慕尤丁(Muhyiddin Yassin)所帶領的「國民聯盟」(Perikatan Nasional)則緊追在後, 73席;而執政的「國民陣線」(Barisan Nasional)只拿下30席,雖然僅有30席,但預計 能透過選擇支持哪一個陣營來扮演重要角色。 案 W 馬來西亞下議院有222個席次,媒體報導指出,這是馬國首次出現「懸峙國會」(hun parliament)局面。獲得多數席次的希望聯盟、國民聯盟勢必得和其他政黨或聯盟合作, 能取得籌組政府所需的席次。儘管「希望聯盟」奪下最多的國會席次,但有新加坡媒體認為 「希望聯盟」與其他政黨聯盟之間存有意識形態差異,很難找到潛在的執政聯盟夥伴,因此 較難取得足夠的國會議員支持籌組政府,其他政黨團體比較可能願意與「國民聯盟」攜手合 “联合內閣之成員是由來自不同政黨的黨員所組成,因此閣員背belong的party可能 作。 有不同的政見,利益考量,易使政策制定和施政方針变Complex,故(5) 苦思刻开 平鎮高中 ) 41.目前馬來西亞國會未有政黨聯盟獲得足以組成政府的議員席次,因此需要與其他 政黨聯盟合作,共同組閣,但是共同組閣的情形下,較容易出現下列何種狀況? (B) (A)元首權力過度擴張 味麵 (C) 國會易濫用否決權 (B)施政責任不易釐清 (D)內閣任期不固定

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