

英文 高中


第 21 至 25 題為題組ysqlinet has abrisit SaodT Staldo Him deas Do you still remember Imhotep, a character referred to as an evil priest in the once blockbuster The Mummy? The movie was released in 1999, written and directed by Stephen Sommers,___21___ Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Actually, the real Imhotep and what he contributed to Egypt are__22__your imagination. ( For over two hundred years, _23___ have been searching for the tomb of Imhotep, who lived during the reigns of Pharaoh Khasekhem and Pharaoh Djoser. ___24_ as a vizier to Pharaoh, as well as a head architect, priest of Ptah (god of craftsmen), astrologist and skilled sculptor, Imhotep designed the first step pyramid in Saqqara. In the society of ancient Egypt, Imhotep was highly respected for his achievements 25 from arts, science, politics, and also religion. He perfected the way of mummification on the basis of his resourceful knowledge to anthropotomy, then developing ni amlit ni yliveed læsvni of amazing medical skills. What's more, he conducted the first brain operation in history. 21. (A) starred 饰演 ho stars bvsiv e'consibus 22. beneath (B) stared (B) behind (B) archeologists (D) who (D) between-ovil" Tofto of tigil baiw Dist (D) physicists (B) To serve FOR 18 Vel lo (D) Served (D) filling B23. (A) biologists D 24. (A) Serve B 23/65 boinlucane ard alloure oeln squado erros sma2 25. (A) judging (B) covering e'nonna su bus wint mi visas auten (C) starring (C) beyond (C) anatomists___SA illet (C) Serving pivom vured ad (C) depending 0105 oqall how ili dguodt nova Ja noilivsq mwisT

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英文 高中


2676 1st: 43 The scientists decided to light fires that would burn off the gas, figuring that it would only be a few weeks 4. the gas was all gone. They evidently made a miscalculation, as the fires have been burning constantly for over 40 years. In 2010, the president of Turkmenistan VR recommended that the Stater* (should) Ver 5. filled in to limit the amount of gas that is burned. However, no action has yet been taken. Thus, the Door to Hell remains firmly open, drawing tourists from all over the world to gaze into its fiery depths. 事 3. to those who live nearby. 1. Adultimately (B) respectively 2.(A) coming down ( (B) blending in 倒塌 (A) menace FATA 4. (A) until 5 A) was 3 fa (C) approximately (C) giving in 威育恐嚇 (B) hypocrisy 飾 (C)facility 設施) (B) when (C) before to be (B) be Partid 199 a 201 (D) constantly (D) going out Right (D) legacy 產 Dif (D) had been While scientists are 6. to find ways of improving plants, medicine, and human beings, many arguments are being 7. . Some arguments may be personal, social, or economic but more likely, they tend to be moral. And it is believed that genetic engineering will keep on mmm. 工程学 changing us throughout this century. 8. genetic In general, people question the whole use of genetic engineering. engineering will improve the way we grow food and care for our environment, people still question genetic engineering. What may be questioned is how companies may 9. their 2023/01/03 19:55 use. and h how is, c que exp sce in te re C

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英文 國中


11 all over the world. ing Love, Sam 26~28 Oliver: What are you reading, Katie? 少了数226 Katie: I'm reading some stories about amazing kids that Time magazine wrote. Their stories make me believe that kids can do anything. Oliver: That sounds cool. Can you tell me about them? Katie: Sure. This one is about Gitanjali Rao, and she is an amazing scientist. She uses the science and technology she learns at school to make the world a better place. She made an app to stop people from being bullied on the Internet, and now she is working on how to detect biological contaminants inside water so people in the third-world won't get sick from it. Oliver: She sounds really smart. What about this one, Tyler Gordon? Katie: Tyler is a student who is hard of hearing and speaks very slowly. He was bullied a lot at school, which made him too scared to say anything. That did not stop him from expressing himself! He is an amazing artist and likes to draw portraits. He has drawn portraits of many famous people, and his talent is plain for everyone to see. Oliver: Good for him! Katie: And look at this boy, Ian McKenna! He is good at gardening. He is using his talent to grow vegetables for the people in his city. That's an amazing thing to do. Oliver: Thank you for sharing these stories with me, Katie! I feel like I can do so much more. S Scientist 科學家 bully 霸凌 detect 偵測 biological contaminant 生物污染 portrait le talent the 0)26. What can we know from the dialogue? 摘取 (A) Different people have different talents. 大意 Am (B) Famous people believe in themselves. (C) Kids are too young to change the world. (D) We become amazing by sharing stories with others. A 127. Which is NOT true? 指出 (A) Ian McKenna has a green thumb. (B) Oliver believes he can do more. 細節 (C) Gitanjali Rao is good at science. (D) Tyler Gordon is a bully at school. D

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