

is SAE MA WUWmYve8 there. Aherit raina, rainwanmter (rarngports the trnah that js Icfl on ipe 2ies Wers KR Snd 4 then move the trnsh into the ocemn. Once the (rmsh is in Our Ocean i 痛a 噬 由 sm animals iis Willofen mistnake plastic 6_menJs md feeditto their chicks- 7 fps Shunt beir dipestive Systems or cause them io sJowly stnrve to dcath. Fish also suffer when mey nasee SaSh sause icontnins harmful chemicms thutwilkill them。 Aaough Wis Simuation is bad, 9 isnottoo late to do something aboutit, Peoplec can cut doon on pinsac ash sey roduce by reusing other things to hold water instcad of buying bottied watcr frorm ne we sbould aways take our own grocery bapgs to the store whenever we shop. When you have ee We oa an volunicer and join an group that clemns up the environment Hevcryonce does his or her p 忘誤3 rhle To Timil the negatve JO Ihatplastic trash has on the world- (9 CA) hrous avway 和(Bean 說 (C) paysapriee (COD) ends up 寢 ee CM TA To begin with (B》Jjn comparnison 。(C) What's worse (D)However 2 ) (CA) har (B) how (C) when (D》 that 2 (AD des (B) chemicals (C) substances (Ditems 5看2 (Aproduci (B) container (C) biologist (D) disaster 9 iT (B) from (C) into (D) for AA) Emine (B) When it eats (C) Ifcaten (D) By eating )#光Aa),consume (B) float (Cy pollute (Dscrub fcC 7 (B) what (C it (D) which 4 2 3 cr (B) effects (C) manufacturers (D) govermment


