

英文 高中

想問這幾題 想問為什麼錯的不能用+對的為什麼能這樣用?🙏

英文考科 二、綜合測驗(占10分) +3 on 說明:第11.題至第20.題,每題1分。 bodzowbred no 第11.至15.題為題組 In 1956, African honeybees were introduced into Brazil to improve honey production in the tropical climate of South America. However, they started to mix with European honeybees already living there and produced a new kind of "Africanized" honeybees that are better at setting up hiyes and at reproducing than European bees. Keeping Africanized bees poses a challenge to beekeepers. Generally, beekeepers keep their bees in 11. wooden boxes, or hives. s. Afte After the worker bees fill a hive with honey, the beekeepers open the lid of the hive and blow a few puffs of thick, cool smoke into the hive to help calm 12. easier to collect the honey. the bees, 第 2 頁 共 10 頁 The problem with keeping Africanized bees is that they are more defensive than European bees. Even the slightest bump against the hive may 13. an alarm. A large quantity of smoke is needed to calm the bees. Two or three beekeepers may need to work together to safely harvest the honey. And they may need to wear heavier beekeeping suits even in hot, 14. weather. Beekeepers may also collect less honey from Africanized bee hives. European bees form search parties and work together to collect flower nectar from which honey is made, while Africanized bees usually work alone in search of flowers. Therefore, less nectar is brought back to Africanized bee hives. Africanized bees also spend less time storing honey but more time caring for young bees. That may be because they 15. in a tropical climate where not much honey is needed for food during the winter. (C) starved AB 11. (A) stacked door Lyc (B) stuffed obl (A) which make them (B) so that they are (C) thus it would be D (B) go off (C) call off (A) get off (D) staffed (D) making it DLL CC

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英文 高中


2676 1st: 43 The scientists decided to light fires that would burn off the gas, figuring that it would only be a few weeks 4. the gas was all gone. They evidently made a miscalculation, as the fires have been burning constantly for over 40 years. In 2010, the president of Turkmenistan VR recommended that the Stater* (should) Ver 5. filled in to limit the amount of gas that is burned. However, no action has yet been taken. Thus, the Door to Hell remains firmly open, drawing tourists from all over the world to gaze into its fiery depths. 事 3. to those who live nearby. 1. Adultimately (B) respectively 2.(A) coming down ( (B) blending in 倒塌 (A) menace FATA 4. (A) until 5 A) was 3 fa (C) approximately (C) giving in 威育恐嚇 (B) hypocrisy 飾 (C)facility 設施) (B) when (C) before to be (B) be Partid 199 a 201 (D) constantly (D) going out Right (D) legacy 產 Dif (D) had been While scientists are 6. to find ways of improving plants, medicine, and human beings, many arguments are being 7. . Some arguments may be personal, social, or economic but more likely, they tend to be moral. And it is believed that genetic engineering will keep on mmm. 工程学 changing us throughout this century. 8. genetic In general, people question the whole use of genetic engineering. engineering will improve the way we grow food and care for our environment, people still question genetic engineering. What may be questioned is how companies may 9. their 2023/01/03 19:55 use. and h how is, c que exp sce in te re C

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英文 高中

想問大家 這兩段會怎麼用自己的話做英文摘要?

SCOBY [skobi]symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast [simbiottk] [jist](細菌和酵母菌共生培養;紅茶菌) 的首字母縮寫,symbiotic 表示「(動植物)共生的」,yeast 指「酵母菌)」。 FRI 5 TE Track 25 Facts about Kombucha 關於康普茶你該知道的事 -Helen Yeh Toad.cn You may have come across kombucha on restaurant menus and wondered what it was. If you had tried it, you would have noticed it tastes like fizzy vinegar. Recently, it has exploded in popularity.' But what's so special about this drink? Kombucha begins its life as a mixture of tea and sugar. The secret ingredient² that turns this sweetened tea into kombucha 10 is a pancake-shaped blob called a SCOBY, which is short for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. The SCOBY ferments* the tea by gradually converting the sugar into acids. vymy UVCI 2, Vuu years ago in China, where people drank it for its health-promoting benefits. As the story goes, a Korean doctor by the name of Kombu brought the tea from China 20 to Japan to cure an ailing emperor. From there, kombucha eventually made its way to Europe. While kombucha has been seen as a miracle cure for some diseases, there is no nedical evidence to support such claims. However, like other fermented products, combucha can aid in digestion and keep our gut healthy. And since it's lower in ugar than many sodas, it could also be a jood choice as a refreshing beverage. 翻譯請見第68頁

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英文 國中


9 2108 Bunun DAL jo y w S M uu un IN Os 31 3 10 6.95 CINGO TAL •ung 1 can may 42-4 英語科 第 4 次複習考 93 82 L1-2 、單題:請依文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案。 (1~5題每題2分,6~15期每週3分,共40) () 1 Peter in the evening. (A) watches TV ( plays soccer (C) does exercises D uses computer () 2 There is little rain this summer, so the water problem now. ( facing D) working 3 There was something wrong with my took me to the dentist. (B) ear A tooth (C) eye (D) leg () 4. Which is your favorite running or football? (B) tricks (D) sports we are (A) playing (C) saving A things (C) stories () & Does the washing machine (A) save () 6 Ken. every day. (A) does (B) be () 7. Many people think () 14 1 three times a week. (A) always () 9. The girl (A) have EST TW ? I can't turn it on. (B) play (C) change (D) work play the piano very well. He practices it day. It gives you power to start a new day. (A) breakfast (B) lunch (D) menu (C) dinner () & My brother is late for school. He is late at least so my mom (C) do (D) can is the most important meal in a (C) seldom (D) never (B) often a lot of make-up on her face. (B) has (D) is WWW MAREMUDAN A 1922 m A 20 on 20111014 (B) does (D) hasn't be late, so don't wait for me. (C) is having () 10 Sam won't go to the party tonight because he is with his work. (C) tired (D) thick (A) hungry (B) poor son. He is eleven. His brother Mike is. () 11 Ted is my nine and his sister is five. (A) only (B) first ( ) 12 John, Kate's brother, (A) speaking (C) speaks () 13 My wife can cook, but she (A) can't (C) doesn't (C) very (D) small both French and German. (B) speak (D) spoke She seldom cooks. (A) need (B) may (D) have to (C) should () 15 It's time for the first class. Tim isn't here. He comes late. (A) never (B) already (C) always (D) enough 二、題組:請依所附的短文或圖表,選出一個最適當的答案。 (每題3分,共60分) (16~20) Felicia is a housewife. She 16 get up early and prepares breakfast for her family. Then, she drives her children. to school. After that, she goes back home to do the housework. 17. She cleans the living room, kitchen, and tidies the bedroom. In the afternoon, she goes to college and has some () 16 (A) have (C) have to () 17 ( children. (C) kid's ( 18 ) there have (C) there are () 19 (A) this (C) these () 20 A never (C) seldom English lessons. Then, she picks up the children from school and makes dinner. It's hard work, but 18 some good things. After her husband, Abel, comes back, he looks after the children. until they go to bed. During 19 hours, Felicia 20 goes shopping or sees a movie with her best friend, Nina. She enjoys these free hours. (21-23) 100 el 6 3 6 M 22 M ) 21. What is a tragedy? (B) has (Di has to (B) children's (D) child's (1) there has (D there is 《背面有試題 4-1》 (D) an (B) ever (D) usually 40 (A) A bad experience. (B) A difficult dish to make. (C) An easy thing to do. (D) A favorite kind of food. () 22 Which is true about the reading? Eddie invited his friends to his tasting party last Saturday. He worked hard in the kitchen and tried baking the cookies several times. However, it was a tragedy from the beginning. First, only two of his friends came. Eddie invited twenty! All the others were either sick or busy. As soon as Cindy and Mandy arrived, it started to rain heavily. Eddie set the party in the yard. When he hurried to take the food and drinks in, he fell off the stairs and hurt his knees. He felt bad about losing face in front of the girls. Then the girls tried some of his cookies. They made a face and said the cookies were INTERESTING! Eddie didn't understand how cookies could taste interesting. He tried one himself and knew right away. His chocolate cookies were not sweet. They were salty. He mistook salt for sugar. salty 7-120 college N Peo (A) Many of Eddie's friends came to his party. (B) Eddie had an outdoor tasting party last Sunday. (C) Cindy and Mandy didn't like Eddie's cookies. (D) Eddie put too much sugar, so his cookies tasted strange. 23 Why did the girls say Eddie's cookies were interesting? (A) The cookies looked interesting. (B) The cookies tasted yummy. (C) They wanted to have more of his cookies. (D) They didn't want Eddie to feel hurt.

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英文 高中

想問第23題 是作為代替什麼?

(17) to y's (19) by 1636 . II. Please choose the correct answers to complete the following paragraph. We all (16) with leftover food that we don't want to throw away, but we food poisoning which is usually caused by bácteria on food. The key (18) 5th killing bacteria is to use heat) so thorough cooking is important, especially with hobenou 3. chicken whose meat is loose enough for bacteria to be found throughout The following tips will help you reheat leftovers properly. Firstly, (store your leftover HC 4.17 Mayhem food well – that means keeping it as cool as possible in between (20) 立式 thevi Tito) , However, beware putting hot food straight into the fridge. All that does is (21) Da V. it into an incubator for bugs. Up the temperature inside your fridge and _(22) (23) cover it, and let it cool to room temperature (no more than 4 hours), and then put it straight into the fridge. Secondly, reheat your food thoroughly. Most of us 2 use a microwave oven to do that, but microwaves heat food unevenly) (24) 73318 cool pockets where bacteria can (25)_ . So, take the food out, stir it, and zap it again at least once more to make sure that you've got every part piping hot (above 60 degrees Celsius). (Adapted from https://www.bbc.co.uk/procrainmes/articles/3Pd2N16J2gFg919hrghINH/is-jt-safe-to-reheat-leftovers) 1939 uh... twitter ( 1 ) kJ = 7 10 Pe 16. (A) turn out. (C) pay up (D) roll out { $ 17. (A) fright (B) afraid 18. (A) from (C) in (*)to 91.. by P M 与点 .09 E-19 19. (A) fracture (B) texture (C) juncture ole (D) moisture B20. (A) service (B) serves (C) servings 版 $21. (A) raise (B) rise (C) raising (D) rising 022. (A) turn (B) turning (C) turns (D) turned f/23. (A) Rather than . 《一 turnedBut (B) Instead (C) Moreover (D) Accordingly h (B) end up ladj.) (C) terror_ch-) (D) dread ito (v) (B) at sturch levines (D) served The

尚未解決 回答數: 1
生物 高中

請問我這幾題都寫對嗎 22超級不確定

o (A)觀察细胞的構造皆需要借助電子顯微鏡 (B)圖中所指的細胞是來自原核生物的細胞 (C)画 中的高爾基體應是高基氏體,其功能敘述有誤 (D)此解說牌的內容符合植物的細胞構造 (E)網 緣關係鑑定可藉由檢驗核糖體 DNA 來判定。 二、題組題(每題2.9分,共 28.6分) 第19~22. 為題組 流式細胞儀是一種可讓細胞懸浮於流體中,並觀測及記錄個別細胞特質的儀器。這項技術的發展主要是來自顯 微鏡的技術發展、血球計數儀器的技術演進。1960年代發展出一種以顯微鏡為基礎的分光光度計。使我們首次得 以在每秒超過500 顆細胞通過顯微鏡觀察點的速度下,對流過光學或電子檢測器的一個個細胞進行連續的多種參 数分析,包含細胞的體積和形態複雜程度、細胞中的色素、DNA、RNA、蛋白質和細胞表面抗原等参数。 流式細胞儀的基本原理是當細胞經過孔洞時,會排擠等張生理食鹽水溶液而提高電阻,大的細胞排出的等張 生理食鹽水的體積大,因此產生的電阻也大於小的細胞經過孔洞時產生的電阻。依據電阻的改變次数及大小,即 可記錄通過的細胞数目及細胞的相對大小尺寸,更可以透過特定細胞被雷射光激發後產生的光學訊號,再轉換成 電子訊號由電腦分析細胞的特性。這些讓流式細胞儀具備下列特性:能使單一細胞一個接一個的快速通過孔洞、 能以電子訊號來偵測細胞與具有訊號分析的自動化。 為了進一步將細胞分離,流式細胞儀結合了原先設計給電腦噴墨印表機使用的噴墨技術,而發展出第一臺具 有篩選功能的流式細胞篩選儀。噴墨技術的基本原理即是利用高頻率振盪的噴嘴,將水柱分裂成水滴並使打算篩 選的水滴帶上電荷,再利用高壓電場使水滴產生偏折而被導入收集管中。後來再加以改進,使含有細胞的水滴帶 電,再依照機器测量到的電子訊號來決定給子含有特定細胞大小的水滴帶電,再利用電場使之偏折,如此即可分 離出特定的細胞種類。 ) . o o 若某科學家利用流式細胞儀檢測鈣離子的有無對細胞的生長是否有影響,實驗流程如下所示,結果如圖甲中 2

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