

公民與社會 高中


三、素養長文題組(第16~20題每題4分,第21題非選題10分,共30分) 1989年「無殼蝸牛運動」號召近5萬人夜宿街頭要求政府立法抑止妙房,爭取居住正義,時隔 20 年,青年世代卻須支付更高價格才能解決居住需求,這樣的社會不正義再度爆發2014年「單運」,促成 「政府興建只租不賣的社會住宅及2017年《住宅法》的修正,賦予各縣市政府興建社會住宅的法源,透 過收入門檻及租金補貼等措施,保障社會或經濟上處境不利群體的居住權益。2020年報載北市社會住 宅月租4萬元仍現搶租潮,引發社會對於「合宜租金」的熱議。(甲)有些人主張:住宅政策的實施, 的確應考慮個人差異性,但社會住宅運用全民稅金興建,若限定過多戶數特別照顧社會經濟處境不利群 體,其實也對其他民眾不公平。 自2011 年便長期關注《住宅法》立法發展的社會住宅推動聯盟、OURs 都市改革組織等(乙)民間 團體則批評,社會住宅的主要目的就是解決中低收入者的居住困境,如果只是變相由政府興建,市價出 租、一般民眾入住,就跟當初《住宅法》的立法精神背道而馳。民間團體雖肯定行政院 2021 年提案再 度修法規範合理租金,但針對社會住宅地價稅及房屋稅減免未能全國免徵、住宅空置及住宅補貼效益等 資訊揭露未能入法等缺失,未來將持續與朝野立委協商修法,督促蔡總統實現「8年20萬戶社會住宅」 的政治承諾。NO 16.閱讀上文可知,我國2011年訂定《住宅法》期以解決民眾居住問題後,陸續又在2017、2021 年多次修正調整該法規。針對(甲)、(乙)劃線部分文字,以及上文相關敘述,下列說明何者 較適當? (A)甲的說法強調分配正義,認為國家資源不應過度照顧弱勢 (B)乙的說法強調匡正正義,批評政策已侵害民眾的居住權益 (C)政府短期內多次調整政策有違法律安定性,不符正當程序 (D)政策不符民眾期待也難以滿足社會需求,有違法治國原則

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英文 高中

求救16跟24題 想問我原本的答案為什麼錯 謝謝😀

asin din n't ic fe (A) came around II. 綜合測驗:30% (A) Christmas is celebrated worldwide. Some countries, ) 19. (A) which () 20. 21.ror started. The answer wouldn't find anywhere else. For example, in Portugal, you might see that people have empty chairs around the Christmas breakfast table. These chairs show that the family's loved ones who are living have not been forgotten. In other words, while Portuguese families are gathering at Christmas to enjoy a mouth-watering dinner, they also remember their family members 19.00 have passed away. Another example comes to us from Japan. euo 20, must eating in, many, Japanese families prefer to have Christmas dinner at KFC. You may wonder how this Christmas fast-food 1 15 12 lies in a true story dating back to the 1970s. One day, the manager of Japan's first KFC store heard ar 22. foreign customers talking about how much they missed the Christmas turkey dinner back home. This gave him the idea of 23.mba special family meal on the menu around Christmas as a way to celebrate the holiday. He named this meal the "Party Barrel," which 24. to as a large bucket full of fried chicken, salad, and cake. Later, wine was even included. 25., KFC stores across Japan added the Party Barrel to their Christmas menus. The rest is history. stil vra LIE (16. (A) similarly ) 17. (A) place (18. (A) nothing but ( BOE) 21. in the end when they won the ball (B) paid off (C) lined up (B) however (B) places (B) close to (B) what (A) Such as (A) Such as mo sno bu(B) (A) tradition ( ( mos no nos 22. (A) little no 10 m profit Intalni () 23. (A) expressing 24. (A) paid off (A) 25. (A) Eventually 27EQ M67⁹9 Rather than ther than it (B) purchase (B) much (B) offering (B) came around (B) Barely lov svil siques to 279 ID0,28 1970 16. have Christmas customs that you IMAJ 17. (C) afterward (C) placing (C) no longer (C) when (D) started out (C) Thanks to 2) Thanks tovo (C) opinion (C) a few 01 10 15dmun (C) protecting (D) instead (D) placed (D) then and there (D) who E 00 (D) Who (C) started off. I 190 201012 開始 (D) record 100450241 7510 (C) Personally sgral anal on luos? 18. When it comes to (D) a little alqooq 000,0 17000 510m and (D) matching .DE (D) came in VI (D) Fortunately CAUT EXIL 25 03

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