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1201 吳佩霓 詞語引申義(組合二物以成新義) 吾兩字各有其原來的字義,但合起來時形成引申義,不再是原來的意思,例如「陶」本 製造瓦器,「冶」本指鎔鑄金屬,合成「陶冶」一詞,引申為「塑造化育」的意思。 1280元 】: 本指網上的細繩和網上的粗繩,結合成「法則」之義。 陶治】:本指製造陶器和將金屬鎔化倒入模型中冷卻凝固,做成各種器物,結合成 「塑造化育」之義。 】:本指畫圓的器具和畫方的器具,結合成「法度」之義。 】:本指細的磨刀石和粗的磨刀石,結合成「磨鍊」之義。 】:本指摩擦而使物品光滑或銳利,和用火燒或高溫加熱等方法,使物質去除 雜質,變得精純或堅硬,結合成「鍛鍊、考驗」之義。 】:本指將金屬放入火中燒紅,再用鐵錘搥打,和用火燒或高溫加熱等方法, 使物質去除雜質,變得精純或堅硬,結合成「從艱苦中養成任勞耐苦的習慣, 或練習敏銳的知覺及正確的觀念」之義。 磋琢磨:本指割斷、分開和琢磨、磨製,結合成「互相研究、討論」之義。 】: 本指雕磨玉石,和摩擦而使物品光滑或銳利,結合成「對品德或文章不斷 精益求精」之義。 】:本指打造刀劍時,將金屬燒紅後浸入水中,以增加其硬度,使其更堅利, 和用火燒或高溫加熱等方法,使物質去除雜質,變得精純或堅硬,結合成「磨 鍊」之義。 】:本指禱擊、敲打,和用火燒或高溫加熱等方法,使物質去除雜質,變得精 純或堅硬,結合成「磨鍊」之義。 】:本指前二足長,後二足短的動物,以及一種前二足短,後二足長似狼的動 物,結合成「比喻情勢窘迫,進退兩難。亦比喻身心困頓疲乏。亦比喻彼此勾 結,相倚為惡如:( )」。 】:本指不流動的水,和雜草,結合成「骯髒、不潔」之義。 】:古代測量水平的器具和木匠用以取直的工具,結合成「權衡事物的法度 之義。 】:本指古代測日影的器具和古代測量日影方位的桿柱,用以計算時間,結

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英文 高中


Global Issues The White Helmets of Syria That has been described as the greatest humanitarian crisis What of the 21st century began in early 2011 with the outbreak of civil war in Syria. For years, this conflict has raged, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. In addition to the horrible death toll, millions of Syria's citizens have been left homeless or displaced. In fact, the conflict has led to the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Warta simmi Like i Leves cooki 539 dedorq yiripid ei 31 opp JELENT 64 1. D B alos ni bib yo HET PROB Although it may seem that all hope is lost in that tiny part of the world, there is one organization that has been fighting for years to save lives. While it is officially called the Syria Civil Defence or SCD, its members are better known simply as the white helmets. They are volunteers who rush to bombing sites to rescue survivors and give people hope. They often show little regard for their own personal safety, and a great many have been killed or injured attempting to save the lives of others. The white helmets organization was established in rebel-controlled areas that were under constant air attack by government forces. The strategy of the government had been to target not only rebel fighters who opposed them but also the civilians living in the area. Rockets and bombs often destroyed entire neighborhoods, leaving countless innocent people dead and dying. To make matters worse, the government offered no official support since it was the one causing the destruction. Things changed in 2014, however, when the SCD was established. Its white-helmeted members began working tirelessly to pull people from the rubble and give them urgent medical care. It is estimated that they have saved close to 150,000 lives since then. In 2016, the SCD was recognized for its humanitarian efforts when it was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. 2.

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