

英文 大學


110 95 63 Performance Are Motor Concepts Language Total ite socioeco indings n these TAL-3 itely v eads 89 104 Self-Help 77 88 Social-emotional Self-Help TAL reate esti ifies ess: nor wh 65 Temir Focial-emotional acc ch "F te er 0 H-1510-09 * 3. 5 PAPER+COPY+FAX 雙頭螢光筆 as the Early Screening Profiles, Differential Abilities Scale, and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-IV. A recent study favorably evaluates the con struct validity of the DIAL-3 through confirmatory factor analysis (Assel & Anthony, 2009). As noted the instrument was designed to screen for devel opmental delays in three domains: motor abilities, conceptual knowledge, and language competence. An essential feature of the test is that separate scores are reported for each domain. These domains and the 74 fubtests comprising them were rationally precon- derved by the test authors. An important question is whether the 21 subtests “hang together” statistically in a manner that supports the rational grouping into the three domains provided by the test developers, In other words, do the three domains possess a latent reality, or are they merely figments of the imagina- tions of the test developers? Using test results for 1,560 children ages 3 to 6, Assel and Anthony (2009) found an excellent fit between the three domains tra- ditionally reported on the DIAL-3 and three empiri- cally derived domains found through factor analysis, which supports the construct validity of the test. However, these authors did note that Articulation subtest was a poor index of language compe Cotchine subteet

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英文 高中

想問第2和第5題 謝謝!!

「綜合測驗 The Ins and Outs of Organ Donation You won't need your organs after you die, so why take them with you? Instead, you can donate your organs after death to 1 people in regaining their health and even saving their lives. Surveys show that 67% 2 of people in Taiwan agree with the above statement. Unfortunately, belief does not always translate into action, because only one to two percent of the population has actually registered for organ donation. Lower than one percent out of 3 are waiting for an organ receives one. Over the years, the Taiwanese government has tried to solve this problem. The Human Organ Transplantation Act was passed in 1987, and in 2004, an online database was created to encourage donation and help doctors match patients to available organs. Then in 2011, an amendment was added to the transplantation act stating that organ donors will have their wishes automatically added to their NHI cards. However, 4 that doctors must also get permission from family members before donation, many people decided to leave their donation plan undone. badhecunoad Gunna2 batin Organ donation is not an obligation, 5 a way to help people in need. If you accept it, discuss your decision with your family and take action.oliosqe jom 1. (A) aid iba (B) reward (C) blur (D) erase 2. (A) roughly (B) about (C) up to (D) or so D 3. (A) a person who (B) anyone who I (C) someone who (D) those who but c. 4. (A) to realize (B) realize (C) realizing (D) realized -5. (A) as b(B) but rather .ni (C) instead ayna (D) rather than a si REDMI NOTE 8T OL Vocabulary ALOILADA MACDA

已解決 回答數: 1
國文 國中

請問一下國文的字義和字音字形大家都怎麼讀? 類似以下的圖片,一次就很多但會考只考1、2題🥲

248 國中國文(全) 字 曾不客情去留 離開 距離 相去復幾許 去惡,如農大 之務去草焉 3. 向 17. 去 fell 除掉 舉例 無緣無故 一見如故 溫故知新 經年守故林 故作此態 悠悠故難量 孤帆遠影碧山盡 || 國過去的 24. 之 月 貧乏、貧困 詳細追究 18. 窮困荒僻、偏遠 極、極端 副澈底 動退 去日苦多 一窮二白 欲窮千里目 窮鄉僻壤 窮凶惡極 窮追不捨 望之卻步 卻話巴山夜雨時 卻上輕奥趁晚京 25. 致 忘卻煩惱 剛還、再 19. 卻倒、反 置動詞後,相當於「 掉」 「去」、「了」 呼吸時出入的氣 音訊 20. 息 停止、消失 26. 使 字 字義 留原因、根由 留好友、舊識 图過去的事物 11. 故 用原來的、以前的 副有意、存心 因此、所以 動隱沒 全部用出,竭力、努 鞠躬盡瘁 力完成 12. 盡 動完結、終止 春蠶到死絲方盡 圖極端、達到極限 盡善盡美 圖全部、都 盡信書不如無書 含有特殊價值,被尊為 四書五經 典範的著作 13. 經承受、忍受 經不起挫折 動治理、管理 經世濟民 平常、尋常 荒誕不經 「即顯露、顯出 修身見於世 動看到、看見 見賢思齊 助代詞性助詞。見 14. 見 尚請見諒=尚 O=O我 請諒我 國語辭典作副詞。 即表示逐漸的趨向 日見好轉 趨勢 動成功、完成 文學成就 動趨近、靠近 還來就菊花 動從事 就職典禮 15. 就 凡事只要差不 圖表示肯定 多就好 依照 「就事論事 動斷、隔開 斷絕關係 動停止 絡繹不絕 動回拒、不接受 極力拒絕 16. 絕 用絲毫沒有、毫無希望「絕處逢生 副極、甚 絕妙好辭 副必定、鐵定 絕不通融 奄奄一息 捎來信息 望峰息心 鞍甲而不息 不汗 聞躁,匿橋下 煙花三月下揚州 呼吸、喘氣 27. 1 / T一七 名低處、底部 往、到 助上位者交付任務給下 21. 下 今既下廷尉 位者 動低於、少於 「此不下九石 自謙之詞 正中下懷 | 留職官名,百官之」 | 長,輔佐國君治「宰相 理國政的人 名容貌、外形、模樣「人不可貌相 動輔佐、幫助 相夫教子 22. 相」、「國交互,指兩方面 出郭相扶將 都進行的 即由交互的意義演 變為單方面的意 義,表示動作是「實不相瞞 由一方對另一方 進行 | | T一七

已解決 回答數: 2
英文 高中

麻煩幫我看 1和2題的答案對不對❓

The Tenth Anniversary of iPhone This year, the iPhone reached its tenth anniversary after Apple introduced it to the world in 2007. Since then, the iPhone has become more and more popular. It is also one of the leading brands in the cellphonie DOHA However, around the time the iPhone came out, some people hadn't expected it to be this big. Sorne had even thought it would never come out. market now "Everyone's always asking me when Apple will come out with a cellphone. My answer is,'Probably never'." David Pogue, Sep. 27, 2006, The New York Times “There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.” Steve Ballmer, Apr. 30, 2007, USA Today “Phone set to struggle" Jemima Kiss, Jun. 29, 2007, The Guardian Ten years have passed, but people have not lost the interest in the iPhone. Instead, they expect more from it. This makes the above comments funny to read now. The iPhone, along with the other smartphones, has made the world a smaller place. Everything about 改艺 smartphones has become so much faster, and people's lives have improved in so many ways. This kind of 建立 年 DHE convenience has created a strong bond between people and their smartphones. Don't think so? Let's play a game then! Ask your friends not to touch their smartphones and see how long it takes before they do. Don't be surprised by how quick that is. After all, based on the information collected by a screen lock app, most people check their phones up to 110 times a day. Just when you think smartphones can't get any better, smartphone companies keep coming out with new models. Keeping people interested is important to them, so this trick never gets old. Apple just showed the world their best and most expensive model ever to celebrate their tenth anniversary. Although some people feel the new iPhone costs an arm and a leg, many of them are still interested in it. Even so, it's exciting to imagine where smartphones will take us in the next ten years. Vocabulary anniversary週年纪念日 brand 品牌 significant 有意報的;顯著的 struggle 掙扎 instead 反而 bond 聯結 Screen lock app 屏幕鎖應用程式

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