

自然 國中


0769-894 4281-8888 9801-0667 IN 重 801-8928 MIRAL 商品 门实 162 國中自然(四) (A)減少對地面的重力(B)減少對地面的摩擦 (C)減少對地面的壓力(D)減少對地面的扭力 月日 6. 坦克車以履帶與地面接觸而行,是為了下列何者? 7. 壓力的定義為「單位面積上所受的垂直作用力」 位,則下列哪一個為壓力單位? b A uni T(A)(B) (c) (D) a D? AB 王 A ,設a為長度單位,b為力的單 8. 有一長、寬、高各為5cm、4cm、3cm的木塊,密度為0.5g/cm²,當平放於桌上 時,產生的壓力最大值為多少gw/cm²? 5x44510.5 (A) 1.5 (B) 2 (C) 2.5 (D) 3 3x4 9.如右圖所示,一質料均勻的長方體鐵塊,若依序以甲、乙、丙 面接觸於桌子,三者對桌子的壓力分別為P、P、P丙,則 P甲: P乙: P=5.x ? 12: TS x :20 (A) 12:15:20 (B) 20:15:12 (C)3:4:5 (D)5:4:3 5×0.5 5cm 152 4cml 丙 20 3cm 10. 李平與李安兩人分別以500gw之力相向互推一截面積為10cm²的實心圓柱兩端, 則該圓柱所受的合力與壓力大小分別為何? (B) 0gw,100gw/cm² (C)1000gw,50gw/cm² (D)1000gw,100gw/cm² (A) 0gw,50gw/cm² 11 如右圖所示,一物體靜止 甲 5 在地面上分別受到大小相 等的甲、乙、丙三力,則 受到哪一個力時對地面會造成比較大的壓力? (A)甲(B)乙(C)丙(D)三者相同, 丙 乙 教室 16 如右圖所示,同一鐵 P甲、乙、丙,則三者 (A)甲=Pz=P丙(B) (C)P甲 <P><P丙 (D) B 活塞垂直施以46 1)12.如右圖,已知A活塞 多少 kgw 的物體 (A) 10 (C) 100 (B) 16 (D) 160 1)18 小武拿了一個氣三 下列哪種狀況? (A) (B) 1) 19. 若某水池的長 後的池底所受 (A) 2 (B) 4 )20. 如右圖,在青 向下壓力( 何? (A)PE=P下 (C)P下>P在 21 一容器裝 原本

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英文 高中


WISDOM ENGLISH broader of the D Talk their iver als. out of d Unit 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience a student exchange program has really opened my eyes 2 the cultural differences between my country and Taiwan. One of the most memorable parts of my trip was when host family invited me to a wedding banquet in Kaohsiung. my 3 arriving at the banquet, I soon realized that it was totally different from what I'd expected. Back in the US, banquets are usually held in large dining halls. This one, taking place right out on the street! 4 was tent occupied nearly half the street. However, none of the pedestrians or the people in passing vehicles looked like they cared. Under the tent, guests sat at large round tables, chatting cheerfully. At one end of this temporary tent, there were cooks and assistants up shelter all the guests from the fierce sun, a huge delicious-looking food. 7 6 energetically to prepare platters of quite curious about how this fascinating custom of "open-air" banquets had first come about, I asked my host parents. The host father explained that this kind of banquet, known as a "ban- doh" in Taiwanese, 8 in the countryside. In the old days, when people gathered for a special event such as a wedding or an elder's birthday, everyone in the neighborhood would 10 9 to a ban-doh. The host would prepare all ingredients for the meal, and the neighbors would help out. Some would do the cooking, while others might provide tables, chairs, and eating utensils or assist in other ways. They would then all relax and enjoy the banquet together. The ban-doh back then was all about enjoying a sense of community and togetherness. Having the chance to experience this fascinating event, I feel truly lucky. It is the first story that I will share with my friends and family when they ask me about my student exchange experience in Taiwan. (A)1. (A)Taking part in 0809 (A) backward 4 (0) 3. (A) Upon B)4. B) 5. (A) Putting (A) In other words (D) in front of Until (D) In particular (B) Took part in (B) toward (C) Takes part in (C) regarding (D)Taken part in (B) as soon as (B) on the other hand (B) Put the moment (C) additionally (C)To put (D) Have put B) 6. (A) work (B) working 7. (A) Were (B) Feel XC) t (C) Being to work (D) worked 8. (A) originate (B) originating (C) to originate (D) Felt (D) originated (9. (A)cooperate (B) introduce (C) initiate (D) correspond ) 10. (A) revenge (B) arrange (C) arrest (D) commit

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地球科學 高中

想請問21D 22A 25E怎麼解 然後25E看不太懂 謝謝🥹

FH VA D 範圍:基礎地科(全)CH3~4-2.2 全年度第二學期 高一全組 試題卷有3張,共6頁,本頁為第3頁 地球科學科 適用班級:101~106.112.115 班 科目代號:10 22. 氣候是長時間尺度下,地球系統中能量交換後呈現的現象。討論氣候變遷時的重點即是地球系統能量的收支平衡。下 列有關能量平衡的敘述,何者正確? (A)冬季時,高緯度溫度較低緯度寒冷,主要是因為距離太陽較遠,單位面積接 收到的能量較少(B)地球能量主要靠傳導散入外太空(C)地表吸收到的能量除了以紅外線輻射散出,也藉由潛熱的 方式加上空氣的運動帶到大氣中 (D)溫室氣體主要是透過吸吸吸的破壞地球能量的收支平衡 (E)地表吸收太 陽光後會反射短波輻射 23. 參考附圖,下列對於海水溫度隨深度變化的敘述,何者錯誤? 溫度(℃) 10 20 30 溫度(°C) 10 20 30 溫度(℃) 10 20 30 c. a為低緯度地區,b為中緯度,為高緯度(B)甲層海水受到波浪 及海流攪動,水溫在垂直方向變化不大(C)高緯度區域上下層海水溫差 不大,故乙層較不明顯(D)乙層海水來自甲層及丙層海水的混合,稱為混 合層(E)乙層為海洋中溫度隨深度遞減率最大的一層 EA 日本 24 右圖為西北太平洋颱風的典型路徑,根據圖片,下列何者正確? (A)若要使颱風登陸台 灣,則太平洋高壓的強度需比北轉至日本時更強 (B)太平洋副熱帶高壓強度較強,則颱 風路徑易向北偏轉,如路徑A (C)若太平洋副熱帶高壓強度較弱,則颱風路徑易經過菲 中國 太平洋 律賓,如路徑 B (D)B路徑主要是因西南季風減弱的影響,所以颱風可直線前行 下左圖為溫鹽環流之敘述,下列何者錯誤? (A)位於北大西洋格陵蘭附近的海水溫度低、不斷蒸發導致海水密度變 大,所以海水會向下沉(下層海水有一部分往東進入太平洋後逐漸上升 (C)環繞一圈約需千年以上的時間(D)可 以輸送巨大能量,對於全球系統影響極為重要(E)是由於行星風系吹拂而形成之環繞全球各緯度與各大洋間的海流 A BE SON 9 30N 305 (°C) A "B r30 20 (g/cm³) (0) 1.028匚 736 10 1.026- 35 太平洋 h 1.024 1.022 - 34 -33 12 1.020 m>m

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