

化學 高中


(D)2Hz(e)+O2(g)→2H2O(g) (E)4H(g)+O2(g)→2H2U(e) 不一定 5. 有關溶解度的敘述,何者正確? (A)液體溶於液體之溶解度,大都因本性而不同 (B)固體的溶解度都隨溫度升高 而增大 (C)氣體之溶解度與其平衡存在之氣體壓力成反比(D)氣體之溶解度隨溫度升高而增大 (E)溶劑量越 多,溶解度越大 ( 3 )4.水中氯氣的濃度為0.2 ppm 至1.0 ppm 便能殺死細菌,某市有250萬人口,若每人每天用自來水 40升,則該巾的 自來水廠,每天氣氣耗用量至少為多少公斤? (A)10 (B)20 (C)50 (D)100 (E)75 (1))6. 下列各反應中,其釋放能量的大小順序,何者正確? (甲)²+1>2Hetón:) 能量大 (乙) CzH5OH(g) 430(g) 2 CO2(g)+3H2O(l):李量小 (丙)H2O(l)→ H2O(s) (丁) NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)。 減小 (A)甲>乙>丁>丙 (B)乙>甲>丁>丙(C)乙>甲>丙>丁(D)甲>丁>乙>丙 (E)甲>丁>丙>乙 某同分異構物A、B、C,其變化過程的反應式如下: (1317 A → B △H=+50kcal B → C △H=-15 kcal 則下列A、B、C三種異構物的熱含量關係圖,何者是正確的? B 15 kcal C A | 35 kcal 20 kcal 35 kcal B B | 35 kcal 15 kcal 15 kcal AL 反應過程 (B) 反應過程 )8. 試排列下列熱量 Q1、Q2、Qa的大小順序: C2H5OH(g)+3O2(g)→2CO2(g)+3H2O(g)+Q1 C2H5OH(I)+3O2(g)→ 2CO2(g)+3H2O(g)+Q2 C2H5OH(g)+3O2(g)→ 2CO2(g)+3H2O(l)+Q3 、反應過程 (D) | 15 kcal B 15 kcal C | 20 kcal 反應過程 (E) 反應過程 Q3>Q1Q C2500)+300(8) C.PH5OH)+302(3) QQ 03/09 (A)Q1>Q2>Q3 (B)Q3>Q>Qz (C)Q3>Q2>Q(D)Qz>Q>Q (E)Qz>Q3>Q 下列哪一項為真溶液的特性? (A)溶液呈混濁不透光(B)可利用濾紙將溶質濾出 (C)靜置一段時間會產生沉澱 (D)溶質粒子遠大於溶劑粒子 (E)溶質顆粒小,不散射光線 E)9. ( )10. 在5℃時,已知A(g)+2 B(g) → AB2(g)的反應熱為△H1,且B(g)+C(g) → BC(g) 的反應熱為△H2。在相同溫度下,下列 1 - →>>> 何者為=A(g)+ BC(g) •AB2(g)+C(g)的反應熱? 2 2 (A) - AHI-△Hz (B)△H-2△Hz (C). ΔΗ, (AH2)2 (D). △H △H2 (E) △ Ha× △ Hz 2.章·社會 真至天天 王兄王 賢與基法 這篤餐E )11. 某煙火的成分是鎂粉1克、鋁粉1克、鐵粉2克、碳粉2克及硫粉2克。試問哪一成份完全燃燒時放熱最多?(原 子量:Mg=24;Al=27;Fe=56;C=12;S=32) Mg(s) + 02 1 MgO(s) △H=-602 kJ 3 1 Al(s) + O2(g) · Al2O3(5) △H=816 kJ 4 3 1 - O2(g) ·Fe2O3(s) △H=-822 kJ 4 2 CO2(g) △H=-394 kJ Fe(s) + C(s) + O2(g) S(s)+O2(g) SO2(g) △H=-297 kJ (A)鎂(B)鋁(C)鐵(D)碳(E)硫 )12.將1.0 M 的H2SO4(aq)200 mL和2.0 M 的 H2SO4(aq)300mL 相混合後,若體積具加成性,其體積莫耳濃度變為若干 M? (A)1.6 (B)1.8 (C)2.0 (D)2.2 (E)2,4 二、多重選擇題: (A1. 下列有關溶液的敘述,何者正確? (A)可以是液態、氣態或固態(B)必為混合物(C)溶劑必是液態(D)水銀是金 溶在水中所形成的溶液(E)碘酒是碘和酒精所形成的溶液, (A)2. 下列物質屬於溶液的有哪些? (A)黃銅 (B)鹽酸 (C)水銀 (B)汽水(E)碘酒 固態溶液 1

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英文 大學

哪一個段落沒有主題句? 我覺得是第一個,對嗎? 要怎麼替這個段落寫出主題句呢?

2 Despite different home cultures and countries, international students' main overall motivation is the desire get out on their own, to carve out a new direction in their lives. "Foreign students" do not casually abandon the comforts of family and cultural ties; they have done their homework on Canadian schools. All their preparation, though, cannot prepare them for the loneliness and ongoing difficul- ties they face, from cold winters to financial issues related to the higher tuition fees they must pay. Some students, though, emigrate to escape those same tight- knit families and bonds that others find so painful to leave behind. A Macleans "On Campus" report notes that family expectations may be opposed to students' visions for themselves and lead them to reject accepted values and career paths in their hometowns and countries. Csilla, a web-design student at Waterloo admits, "I was always supposed to enter my family's restaurant business in Budapest, but I felt suf- focated even working part-time as a server. Web design is my passion, and I wanted 12: CAUSE OR EFFECT [- a completely fresh start, something that is completely my own ("International Stu- dents"). Finding independent paths to their own dreams is the key here, whether students choose those paths as a result of personal ideals or as a reaction to pre-set future plans.

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英文 高中


BALO C 共7頁 Two professors at the University of California at Berkeley hoped to find out the answer. They investigated a pool of 12,000 Japanese men equally divided into three groups: One group had lived in Japan for all their lives, and the other two groups had emigrated to Hawaii or Northern California. It was found that the rate of heart disease among Japanese men increased five times in California and about half of that for those in Hawaii. The study shows that the need to bond with a social group is so fundamental to humans that it remains the key determinant of whether we stay healthy or get ill, even whether we live or die. We need to feel part of something bigger to thrive. We need to belong, not online, but in the real world of nugs, hangsmants, and pats un the back. What is the best title of this passage? (A) Heart Diseases and Their Causes (C) Differences in Japanese Americans Which of the following is a finding of the two American professors' study? (A) Many Japanese men that lived up to 100 years were smokers. (B) Those who often ate hamburgers and fries were more likely to fall sick. (C) Japanese immigrants to America usually formed a tight-knit community. (D) Westernized social life was related to the heart-attack rate of Japanese Americans. Which of the following is an example of "something bigger" in the last paragraph? (A) A family t (B) A stadium. (C) The universe. ACK! 103 年指考 英文考科 The differences could not be explained by any of the usual risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking, high blood pressure, or cholesterol counts. The change in diet, from sushi to hamburgers and fries, was also not related to the rise in heart disease. However, the kind of society they had created for themselves in their new home country was. The most traditional group of Japanese Americans, who maintained/tight-knit and mutually supportive social groups, had a heart-attack rate as low as their fellow Japanese back home. But those who had adopted the more isolated Western lifestyle increased their heart-attack incidence by three to five times. (B) The Power of Social Connection (D) The Sense of Belonging vs. Isolation The digital world.

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