

數學 國中


1 passed the math test. (C) that watching movies is interesting. (B) and ) 8. Many people think 三上數學 2-1(3)圓外切四邊形、弦、切線、 如圖,有AB與AC 兩線段。若一圓 O過 A、B 兩點,且與直線 AC相切,則下列哪一條直線會 通過圓心O? (A)∠CAB的角平分線 2. 如圖,四邊形 ABCD 為圓 O的外切四邊形,若 AB = 3x-2, BC =3x+2,CD =x-S,AD=2x+1,則四邊形ABCD (B) AC的中垂線 (C)過C點與AC垂直的直線 (D)過A點與AC垂直的直線 2X+ 的周長為5. AB+CDAT元 2 3X-2 7X-2-5X+3 13+15+3价 B 2X = 10 =28X2 4.如圖,圓 ○分別與AB、BC、CA 切於D、E、F三點, CADE 3X-2+4X-5=2X+1+3x+2X=558 3.如圖,等腰梯形ABCD 為圓 O的外切四邊形,若AD =8,BC=16,RAB AB: 12. 若 AD =18,則△ABC的周長為_ 18-X-X 9+3=7AB+B+CA =X=1P 號2 -姓名朋友才 = 2, CD=8,則圓的半徑為 41:20 ++(-2)=1- 16+X-42+4=X 5 6. 如圖, AB || CD,OT − AB,若CD = 6, AB = 4,OM = MT,則圓的半徑為何? 18⁰. AB+x+y+CA/ X=9 18 5. 如圖, AB是圆O的直徑,CD是圓 的弦,且 AB - CD於M點,若AM 56. BXD • (20 B D 7. 如圖,△ABC中,AB6、BC10、AC-8,若三直 線AB、AC、BC分別與圓 O切於D、E、F三點,來 D BE的長。 X-6+X-8=107 .62 BE ->X-14=10 √36+1446 =X=>4 =6,55 3.如圖,但面还有大、小兩個同心圓,其中 4B 為大圓的 一弦,且切小圓於 R點。若兩圓之間的環形區域面積 公分。 為225 » 平方公分,則B= = x 14+X-2X+1 2X=5,X=3 T-DX 2010 (-1,k) α = 0B² 兰 放 9.如圖,某商店的圓形招牌因颱風吹落而破碎。種那種一小塊產生的二 今欲重做一個與原尺寸大小相同的招牌,經測量得知AB 下 =1公尺,其中M為AB中點,MNAB、若金葉形重板的半香港 X=2+(x-1) 放學時 k={ 10. 如圖,圓的部分弧上有三點A、B、C、其證 為(-2,4)、(3,1)、(1,4),求圓心的坐標為间? 2+12/25 (-2-1)²+(14) |_|\-) (2)+kx++)/ 営 3.

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數學 國中


1 passed the math test. (C) that watching movies is interesting. (B) and ) 8. Many people think 三上數學 2-1(3)圓外切四邊形、弦、切線、 如圖,有AB與AC 兩線段。若一圓 O過 A、B 兩點,且與直線 AC相切,則下列哪一條直線會 通過圓心O? (A)∠CAB的角平分線 2. 如圖,四邊形 ABCD 為圓 O的外切四邊形,若 AB = 3x-2, BC =3x+2,CD =x-S,AD=2x+1,則四邊形ABCD (B) AC的中垂線 (C)過C點與AC垂直的直線 (D)過A點與AC垂直的直線 2X+ 的周長為5. AB+CDAT元 2 3X-2 7X-2-5X+3 13+15+3价 B 2X = 10 =28X2 4.如圖,圓 ○分別與AB、BC、CA 切於D、E、F三點, CADE 3X-2+4X-5=2X+1+3x+2X=558 3.如圖,等腰梯形ABCD 為圓 O的外切四邊形,若AD =8,BC=16,RAB AB: 12. 若 AD =18,則△ABC的周長為_ 18-X-X 9+3=7AB+B+CA =X=1P 號2 -姓名朋友才 = 2, CD=8,則圓的半徑為 41:20 ++(-2)=1- 16+X-42+4=X 5 6. 如圖, AB || CD,OT − AB,若CD = 6, AB = 4,OM = MT,則圓的半徑為何? 18⁰. AB+x+y+CA/ X=9 18 5. 如圖, AB是圆O的直徑,CD是圓 的弦,且 AB - CD於M點,若AM 56. BXD • (20 B D 7. 如圖,△ABC中,AB6、BC10、AC-8,若三直 線AB、AC、BC分別與圓 O切於D、E、F三點,來 D BE的長。 X-6+X-8=107 .62 BE ->X-14=10 √36+1446 =X=>4 =6,55 3.如圖,但面还有大、小兩個同心圓,其中 4B 為大圓的 一弦,且切小圓於 R點。若兩圓之間的環形區域面積 公分。 為225 » 平方公分,則B= = x 14+X-2X+1 2X=5,X=3 T-DX 2010 (-1,k) α = 0B² 兰 放 9.如圖,某商店的圓形招牌因颱風吹落而破碎。種那種一小塊產生的二 今欲重做一個與原尺寸大小相同的招牌,經測量得知AB 下 =1公尺,其中M為AB中點,MNAB、若金葉形重板的半香港 X=2+(x-1) 放學時 k={ 10. 如圖,圓的部分弧上有三點A、B、C、其證 為(-2,4)、(3,1)、(1,4),求圓心的坐標為间? 2+12/25 (-2-1)²+(14) |_|\-) (2)+kx++)/ 営 3.

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英文 國中

這個怎麼填 從第十一題不會

航 It! n Longm and /end/ LAST PAR (singular] e.g. Hook (Hook Your T x+y=z 不定詞和動名詞 quiz 一、填空 1. My sister wants to play_(played) tennis with you. 2. They need to stu(studied) English every day. 3. He has to practice (practiced) playing (played) the piano. Getting (got) up early is easy. 4. 5. Mary spent several hours speaki(spoke) English. 6. Singing English songs is fun. 7. Kring (rode) a bicycle is not difficult for him (he). 8. He finished washing (washed) his bike last night. to go 9. They would like (went) shopping with me. 10. We enjoy _swimming (swim) in the summer. 11. Playing tennis_make___(be/make) me happy. (be) interesting. 網球 12. Driving lessons 13. What do you plan 14. To go to a picnic 15. Going swimming 16. It is interesting 17. 18. Bill learned 19. These kids keep 20. My mom asked me 21. Adam left the party without 22. Jeff helped his uncle 23. Would you mind 24. She may 25. We want to buy some food 26. She learns English by 27. Cooking lessons 28. Remember 29. Stop 30. (do) this afternoon? (be) fun. _(make/ is) me happy. (read) this comic books. (eat) healthy food is important. (cook) Japanese food every day. (wash) the dog. Antony (I/ close) the door? (grew) flowers in the back yard. (play) on the playground after school. (not watch) too much TV. (say) goodbye. (make) me interested. KE BE homewor's (feed) the stray dogs. (listen) to English songs. 楊淇 (bring) your jacket, or you will get cold. (study). You'll have a math test tomorrow. (study) hard, and '11

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