

英文 國中

我整個都不會怎麼辦啦 誰可以救救我😭😭

Lesson 1 Have You Ever Heard of A Christmas Carol? 一、寫出下列動詞過去式及過去分詞:40%(每題2分) 法二法 1. 8. 9. 10. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. begin come say write get plan take run study cut - - - - - 周 二、根據提示字寫出現在完成式句子:18%(每題3分) 1. Joyce and Mark / for twenty years / be married / . 2. since 10:00 / do the housework/ Bill/. 3. The boys / already / take many photos/ . 4. Your sons / just clean the bathroom / . Lesson 1 Have You Ever Heard of A Christmas Carol? 國中英語(五)句型精熟卷 II 班 號 姓名 5. see the movie / several times / You/. 開始 來 說話(字句) 寫 獲得 計畫 拿(走) 跑;經營 研讀 切;砍 6. Mandy / yet / feed her puppy/. 三、填入適當動詞時態:18%(每題3分) 1. Bob (surf) the Net since 9:00 a.m. (eat) anything since last night. 2. 1 3. Paris is a romantic city. I 4. Dad is not home. He 5. My brother been three years since I last saw him. 6. Aunt Monica 四、翻譯:24 %(每題6分) 1. A:你曾經去過日本嗎? B:是的,我曾經去過日本。 2. 我妹妹從昨天開始一直都不快樂。 3. Mary 已經學了五年英文。 國中英語(五)句型精熟卷 III 年 (go) to Taipei on business. (move) to Taipei after he got married. It has 得分 4.自從他離開之後,我就沒有看過他了。 (live) in Penghu since she was born. (be) there several times. 1~34~

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