

公民與社會 高中


17-18為題組 選題每題4分,非選擇題配分標於題末,占53分) 調查 ESOSO ☆☆ ◎2022 年的英國政局可謂數度動盪。自2022年9月保守黨強生(Johnson)交出首相大權,至繼任首相特拉 斯(Truss)10月底結束了短短45天執政生涯,即便到現任首相蘇納克(Sunak)上任後,也在2023年初 也面臨國內高通貨膨脹,以及各行各業紛紛發起罷工等棘手的問題,而身為在野黨的工黨也趁勢醞釀重新 舉行國會大選的聲浪。英國首相的國會解散權,在近十年中也是歷經數次變革(如下表),請問: 法案名稱 《2011年國會任期固定法》 (Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011) 《2019 年國會提前大選法》 重點內容 1. 廢止英王解散國會的皇家特權,國會大選每五年 固定舉行一次。 2. 國會任期未滿提前改選觸發條件: (1)國會通過不 美食信任案,或者(2)有三分之二下議院議員同意。 1.規避《2011年國會任期固定法》,使2019年大選 提前至2019年12月12日舉行。 (Early Parliamentary General Election Act 2019) 《2022年解散和召集國會法》 (Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022) 如、 有 2. 法令在選舉結束後自動失效。 1. 廢止《2011年國會任期固定法》。 2. 恢復英王解散與召集國會的皇家特權。 3. 國會任期最長五年,每滿五年自動解散。 4. 解散國會的皇家特權不受司法裁判。EINI 54.解散國會的皇家特權不受司法裁判。 B 請觀察表中三部法典的主要內容,並判斷:在2022 年的修法過程裡,英國內閣制度的最大變 AS-IS 17 革是以下哪一項權力運作機制? (A)將虛位元首改為實權元首 (B)賦予英國皇室至高的特權 出能吉簿會員著平控開知 張卡(C)將解散國會權力回歸首相? (D)將國會改以最長5年任期 人員香港立文爭0005

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英文 高中

想問一下這幾題是甚麼概念謝謝😇😇 第23題答案是B 第19題答案是D

The Internet has replaced books as a major source of information for Taiwanese primary school students, according to a recent survey. The survey was conducted last December, and it that 77 percent of the students considered the Internet to be the most convenient source of information. 14 percent of the respondents said they often 7 books for information instead of going online. Of all the students surveyed, 27 percent said they had never used the 18 The survey randomly selected 4,200 students in 26 primary schools in investigate their reading habits. A total of 4,017 questionnaires were properly 20 parts of Taiwan to by the respondents. According to the survey, five percent of the school children indicated that they did not read any reading materials. Of those who read such materials, 25 percent liked to read comics, 20 percent fables and stories, 15 percent books on natural sciences, and 12.3 percent books on technology. The survey indicated that 45 percent of the school children read at least five books every month; 45 percent of them read less than three per month. (A)took (B)put (C)knew (D)found (A)used up (B)went off (C)turned to (D)made into (A)Net (B)survey (C)books (D)respondents (A)various (B)convenient (C)youthful (D)routine 20((A)taken in (B)given off (C)filled out (D)picked on (D)(A)story (B)comic (C)technology (D)extracurricular 2( )(A)thus (B)further (C)otherwise (D)for instance (A)other (B)another (C)others' (D)the other's 課堂筆記:

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