

英文 高中


6. into Because so many people drink chai, people making it are in high demand. Therefore, chaiwallahs can be found everywhere. Some sit on street corners, where they boil milk Wis``tea leaves, sugar, and various spices. Not until the tea tastes perfect small glasses to be sold to passersby for ten rupees (NT$4). Some chaiwallahs use a 7.: one person prepares large amounts of chai, while another carries metal jugs of it onto trains. The latter person walks fast down the aisles to sell it. The chai served in plastic cups or clay ones that can be thrown away after, so the chaiwallahs don't have to 8. the cups. different ai is If + S + Ved /were L Chaiwallahs are 9. some of the cleverest tea sellers in the world. If VR at would / could I might they millions of people wouldn't have their daily tea. For Indíans, it is difficult to imagine life without this delicious drink! (B) 1. (A) For (B) 2. (A) trace ( 3. (A) known 4. (A) whom ( ) ) 5. (A) in ((A) is it poured () . (A) tribe 8. (A) bring back (B) 9. (A) by no means 在心中 (B) At (C) of = among (D) By (B) commute (C) scheme (B) know (C) to know (B) whose (C) which (B) on (C) under (B) it is poured (C) does it pour (B) sack (C) tactic (B) come with (C) drown out (B) without a doubt(C) at a time (D) transaction (D) knowing (D) who S (D) with (D) it pours (D) flaw (D) take in (D) in the end plates while others dishwashing area, system is flawless. T success is due togetherness. 註:Sikh 錫克教的 1. 6. 2. 7 B 七、篇章結構 (A) Once on the (B) This process (C) For exampl (D) Obviously airplane. Did you only around of them has meal from th as you'll se

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英文 高中


三填(10題,每題2 分,共 20 分,答錯無倒扣) 21 for these, though. Why are we so different? Some people hate the feeling of being afraid and avoid situations like visiting ghost houses, watching scary movies, and telling ghost stories around the campfire. Others have a Researchers have found the answer lies in how the chemicals in our brain work. When we are afraid, our bodies can make fight-or-flight response, a reaction that helps us to decide whether to fight or escape. In these situations, our brains combination of hormones. Interestingly, the way our bodies respond to these_20determines whether we get to the movie theater to see a horror film or not. 22 a a have Psychologists say that people who 24 themselves in scary situations need to make sure that they are in a safe environment. For example, people who visit ghost houses have the _25 that they are going to be scared. They may 26 fear when Godzilla or Count Dracula starts chasing them. However, they know the _27aren't real, so they can enjoy the high feeling associated with the fight-or-flight response. Some people also feel a sense of confidence after they live through a 28 situation, even if they know it is false. How about you? When a scary 29__ turns up, will you escape or enjoy the fear? No matter which one you choose, there is no doubt that no one wants to face the $30. (A) horrible (C) release in real life. It's natural that everyone will escape from real danger. (D) tragedy (B) place (AC) expectation (AD) monsters (E) passion (BC) creature (AB) sudden (AE) chemicals

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英文 高中


美處 某事 做某事 人做某事 …而且… 事 HOVER Why Men Are Men and Women Are Women 65 e already know that as children, boys wrestle and girls play make-believe. Boys often like building things and taking them apart. On the other hand, girls prefer to host and attend pretend tea parties. But why do these differences W exist? Advanced Several months after babies are born, female babies like to look at a person's face to read emotions while male infants prefer to look at objects. Few would disagree that men care more about objects while women tend to empathize with others. However, the sex of our brain is not always as clear-cut as the sex of our body. In one experiment, a tough man, who seemed very competitive, was shown to possess a high degree of empathy, while a woman scored the highest in a hand- 10 eye coordination test at which men were thought to do better. This shows that the distinctions that set us apart might not be as clear as we think. 5 I t ZAN Differences between the sexes are hard to understand and so are relationships. What on earth makes people fall in love? According to a report, men prefer a particular waist-to-hip ratio, which indicates reliable fertility, while women 15 care more about a man's height, which is thought to be related to success. These are some of the reasons for initial attraction. way (we we see way Some psychologists suggest that our feelings may change the our partners Newlyweds were given a brain scan. The "reward" parts of their brains were filled with feel-good chemicals while the critical judgment part was 20 suppressed. It seems that the old expression "love is blind" has some truth. truth. 193

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自然科學 大學


Problems 3-1. Explain the difference between *(a) random and systematic error. (b) constant and proportional error. *(c) absolute and relative error. (d) mean and median. *3-2. Suggest two sources of systematic error and two sources of random error in measuring the length of a 3-m table with a 1-m metal rule. 3-3. Name three types of systematic errors. *3-4. Describe at least three systematic errors that might occur while weighing a solid on an analytical balance. *3-5. Describe at least three ways in which a systematic error might occur while using a pipet to transfer a known volume of liquid. 3-6. Describe how systematic method errors may be detected. *3-7. What kind of systematic errors are detected by varying the sample size? 3-8. A method of analysis yields masses of gold that are low by 0.4 mg. Calculate the percent relative error caused by this result if the mass of gold in the sample is (a) 500 mg. (b) 250 mg. V(c) 125 mg. (d) 60 mg. 3-9. The method described in Problem 3-8 is to be used for the analysis of ores that assay about 1.2% gold. What minimum sample mass should be taken if the relative érror resulting from a 0.4-mg loss is not to exceed *(a) -0.1%? (b) -0.4%? (c) -0.8%? (d) - 1.1%? 3-10. The color change of a chemical indicator requires an overtitration of 0.03 mL. Calculate the error if the total volume of titrant is percent relative (a) 50.00 mL. (c) 25.0 mL. 3-11. A loss of 0.4 mg of Zn occurs in the course of an percent relative analysis for that element. Calculate the error due to this loss if the mass of Zn in the sample is *(b) 10.0 mL. (d) 30.0 mL. 190 (c) 188 (d) 4.52 x 103 4.63 x 103 4.53 x 10 ³ √6 *(a) 30 mg. (b) 100 mg. *(c) 300 mg. (d) 500 mg. 3-12. Find the mean and median of each of the following sets of data. Determine the deviation from the mean for each data point within the sets, and find the mean devi- Vation for each set. Use a spreadsheet if it is convenient. *(a) 0.0110 0.0105 (b) 24.53 0.0104 24.68 24.81 24.77 39.61 862 (f) 850 MA 3-13. Challenge Problem: Richards and W the molar mass of lithium and colle data. 24.73 Experiment 1 2 3 4 5 6 194 447 X 10 7 448 X 107 4.58 X 10 (a) Find the mean molar t workers. (b) Find the median molar ma (c) Assuming that the cam molar mass of lithium is the absolute ertor and of the mean value demi Willard. (d) Find in the chemical ues for the molar mus since 1910, and ag a table or spreadshera 1817 given in the a Richards and Willd. Com mass versus year to la of lithium has chang Suggest possible abruptly about 18 ant de (e) The incredibly deals Richards and W that major changes will occur. Disc calculation in pat (f) What factors ha since 1910? (g) How would you mass? 6See Chapter 2 of Applications of Microsoft Excel in Analytical Chemistry, 4th ed., for information about statistical 7T. W. Richards and H. H. Willard, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1910, 32, 4, DOI: 10.1021/ja01919a002. built-in statistical functions. "Answers are provided at the end of the book for questions and problems marked with an asterisk The I of ₂ or inc rce of able vas error c often in individu ate resul data in rtainties. dimensio andom e analysts The result

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