

10 1 past, people generaly | inthe ! hieWe ake 5ignif Fame has never been a very ea5Y thing 0全 War 50n5, 呈 人Ga | had to star in hit movies, write and perfor呈 全 Latety however sc me And one Internet website uTube- jous due to the popularit YourTube celebrities are people wh tf6mous one5 speclallze ona of the videos that they upload on the web ite. he m0d ic justto namme af particular subject such as video Bames, 說渡 讓 imply di 沁 Some produce very creative short ims 0f their 0OW0 whte 品 品 atopic. One tning that most of them have in COmQm howeVer, 閃 that they are quite young; sorme are stilt in elementary school! to bthese YouTubers' videos have run up tens ofbillions ofviews Being a youTube celebrity ts not just about tu. Mamy afe able to mmake very lar8e Sums of money mostly through sqvertisnee One gfthe most famous YouTubers, videogame vlogger PewDiepie, earns 晤 estimated USS12 milliOn per year: Perhaps the most successful of these tnternet se0sati0ns, however is snger Justin Bieber 8 The Canadian popstar was discovered byamusic producer in2 on Yourube. 5ince then he has become one 0fthe mos 008 through his posts tf performers 0f his generation. YouTube gavehim,; mous and successful racta huge和baseand 和 achievements in busi golities or other 22 虹 business, poliitt ewel KmOWf! way to at
1. The pa55a8e SnGWSMULS)北條加說時 (wthe best way to become famous these days is through YouTupb UDe 和 enables people to become well known inawhole YouTu 出 new wa 同 do not have the same talent as traditional 障凍 沁 uTube is an exciting and interesting way to earn alot of 時 9 時 Aa money


