

還 區 ls plan work well, (A)more time is needed (8B)everyone should do 了eir best (C)it's important to work together (Busing our time 1s necessary S GO The driver didn't know his car was fre and Kept driving until a passer-by shouted at him. (A)on (B)over (C)in (D)under 人(0 Ttold George ITdidn't use his computer, he didn't believe me (A)nevertheless ~(GB)even (C)but “(By)whether (CA ") EveryoneImet in the summer camp was special in their own Way batllciamfoO example. She never complains and has a positive attitude toward everything- (A)Give (B)Have (C)Take (D)Make 8(《 咆) The mother ffproud her som's great performance. (A)with (B)of (C)in (D)for 2 牧 )The boy was blamed 二一次 telling the truth. (C)for (D)on es for/Students to follow in Mr. Wang?s history class. One is to 引ways be Teady to answer questions, and is to take part in group discussion. (A)another (B)other (C)every other (D)the other 三、綜合測驗(共 4分,每題 2分) 呈 全 JIn many countries, people look to the government to create a better society. They believe ”that the govyernment should_]_(the responsibility ofmaking any changes that are needed- LOW ”fthere is another way to make improyements in a country that may be even better一civic engagement. | What is clvie engagement? Basieally, it means the people ofa country work togetherto_2 | ” better solutions to improye everyone's Jife,. To make this poSsSible, people need to have a sense of


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