
第八題的A錯哪 upon+ving不是嗎🤔

)e。 who had oad, with ofthe road- got out. At few hours.- . The lady oney. Joe, need Jusf rly Jady H eloss ofhis mother in his teenai to__[ the secret ofIife. With Such Ko Wledge, Frankenstein Spent __2 _oftime creature out of human corpses. On a climactic night, he fimally brought h sight of the ugly monster he created, Frankenstein Tegretted 3 is creation to Hfe. i 品 Such agruesome and uncivilized creature. Out Of fear, he then_ fled ffOm thG laboratory _ 4 . The monster was thus abandoned. Day after day, his anger Was 二 5 “because he was isolated from the crowd_. To take ITevenge __6 [his creator, the monSter InUTdeTed EranKeiSteiiS ItHIG DIOUHGE Willy. After g 0f the news, FrankenStein WaS frustrated by the thOUSh he monSte he ceatcd lear tumed out to be the killer of his beloved- 8 , tears fel] down from his cheeks. hen the monSteI begaed hiS GIGator to Gate female mate for him, a monster edually grotesSque tO Serve as his GompaniQn Frankenstein agreed at 1 fist However, so alarmed by the possible consequences ofcreating asecond monster 9 his Stein'S wedding ; Tanken: creation. The monster Was furious, SWearing that he Woulditum upbonTsnW tein'S Fiancee, Elizabeth, 10 Frankenstein 員. Before Jong, the monster Killed Frankens 0Uld , : 說 morse, Culd also taste the same solitude, suffering, hatred, and ie GotcYo)
15 could also taSte the same solitude, Suffering, hatred, and remorse, (104CYC) (C) tum into 哺 族 (D) clear up “人 2 (A) alargenumber (B) aseveral couple (C) agreat deal 1.(A) cover up (B) look into 和 已 (D)agood many )(/ 3. (A) to have created (B) having created (C) being created (D) having been creating (A) atatime (B) in no time (C) firom the time being (D) from time fo time (AA) swallowedfGB) fueled 和出 人 (GI (D) inspired 2 (A) on (B) in (0 with (D) toward (A) what (B) which (CO im which (D) that (A) Upon meeting Frankenstein (B) The moment meeting Frankenstein (C) As soon as the monster met Frankenstein (D) No sooner had the monster met Frankenstein (A) was Frankenstein that he destroyed (B) did Frankenstein destroy (C) that Frankenstein destroyed (D) is it that Frankenstein destroyed (一 ~ 10. (A) in case of (B) so as to (C) in order that (D) for tear that


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

3.regret+Ving 而且是主動 所以只能選(B)
4.(A) 一次(B) 立即(C) 暫時(D) 偶爾
5.inspire有鼓舞的意思 通常用在比較正向的地方哦~
8.文法沒有錯 但在段落的最前面儘量不要用省略主詞的用法 避免混淆哦~
9.是so... that... 的用法哦

了解 謝謝😀
