

《 G@ 多 f4 (A) wife-carrying A/5. (A) for 位 6. (A) therefore 人7. (A) so many 過) such many CO many 0f 1 (A) pressure (B) memory 江箔匡女。教好商文 )o you get tired of your daily I 1 { your daily 1ife7 If your answer 參 yes, yoOu Can 包 yne of the following exXe 人 人人扣代 6 On 1E eXclting festlvals a try. First Of al you can take Dart 1 La Tomatina, the 1argest vegetable fight 1 in Spain every 人 ery Augus About 90,000 pounds of tomatoes will be flying in the main sq 》 UuaTe 2 people wet. If you think tasting tomatoes is just 3 yoOi Contest 1 enjoy bathing in tomato Julce there. In addition, the choice for people who are bored with jogeing for long distances. People rur for just 253.5 meterS, but 5 __their wives on their backs. The orlgir the activity is to steal others”wives in the 1800s. Today people need not d S0; 6_, they must make sure their wives”weight is no less than 49 kilograms. Last but”not least。 the Yanshui Fireworks Display 1 recommended for people who like excitement. At the festival there are 7 firecrackers that it looks like a battlefield. Be sure to be well wrapped before you Tun through the “Beehive Gf Fireworks.”Life is like a box of chocolate; you never know what you Te gonna get. dd 2分6 your Jife, and you Will find that life is really tasty. 【屏東女中】 (A) which held “(B)held (C) holding (D) that held (B) letting (C) getting (D) alowing (B) too common an activity (D) an activity too common (B) carrying-wife (D) carried-wife (B) as (C) by (D) with (B) besides (C) however (D) instead (D)lots 9f 1 2. (A) having 3. (A) tooacommon actlvity (C)atoocommon activity (C) wife-carried (C) service (D) spice
江浩英文 silver2


