

人 下 號 人 0 2 康玉和 在答案卡之 「和選擇題答案區 」。各題答對者 '得 1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於 1 個選項者,該題以零分計算。 點 Have you been irritated by someone standing too close in line, falking too loud or making eye contact for too long? Or, they may have_(11)_you With ffhe loud imusic from their ephoies, or by taking up more than one seat onacrowded subway car. You feel unhappy because your personal space has been violated. According to scientists, personal space involves certain invisible forces imposed on you frough all the (12) . For example, people may feel their space is being invaded when they experience an unwelcome sound, smell, or stare. “In certain situations. has in crowded subway cars or elevators, it is not always posslble for people to keep 了er (42對 listance from others, They learn coping strategies to deal With their discomfort. For instance, people Often avoid eye contact with someone standing _(14)_them, Gr they pretend that these people are lifeless objects in their personal space. Glven the opportunlity, 個ey may (15)_ toacorner putting distance between themselves and strangers. Or they may Si 人 or stand equidistant from one another like birds ona wire. /獲4 /愉仙, 上 人 11. (A) offended 有 避 及(B) controlled (C) acquired 盡/ (D) supplied (C) senses (D) regions 八 (A) angles 7 (B) events : (B) preferring (C) preferred (B)eloseto (c) aside


preferred 可以是形容詞
距離不會主動 一定是「被」喜好
