

加Can you imagine a world without bees? Rumor has it 中a no more than four years to Jive, and that isn't an exagg not be able to be fertilized, and humans would not be able to 9f1ife. With more than 10,000 pollen grains 1 toits thousands of flowers a day. However, human activity, like the liying enyironments Of many animals, and one 0f many environmentalists have tried, humans have caused the What is biodiversity, though? The variety Of If wit ecosyStem on to as biodivyersity, and maintaining biodiyersity On Earth is of great lmportance humans haye Jong gotten used to planting one Staple crop in an area, thus bringi Of local biodiversity, Take the Great Famine in Ireland in 也 entury for e fime, 2 “apotato blight caused by low biodiversity, the Irisi ple hadav of the pofato Species they had lived on. Therefore, the E around on: svent proves to us healthy biodiversity, humans will find it hard ntion to thrive. Th conserving endangered species is actually about saving our ( 鄉 ) 19 (A) attach (B) attached @ (0D) to attach 全 22仙 屆them 世 W0 whom 》 ) 角 (4 @ one 必 (D) ones ( 多 ) 伯 (A) although (B) as Gi but (0D) even ( /旋 儿 (as well as (B) because (Gowing to (0 despite ( 2 色 (3) brought 0 caused (Q@ elaimed 人0 spent ( /2 作 (A) survive @ survived (Q tosurvive 00) to have survivsd ied ab huture 0f e: 1 and the (Beekeenpers around the world are worried about the future of honey, pollinatlon, ar e


