

全三] 則 有 aconvenienee stores have been sueeessfully (Lu iese stores 38 We sumerous services. Consequently 生 sonvenienee-store industry im eustomers: (@? 1 whad neverstared 點 geamstar 2 aeowdedwih 0rangedfom ( (C/) 3 Qsupply 加release (中 4 Wathelonger 人the more reasons (各)》丘momaterwhat @mnomanerhowe (Weomsider_ No be 【L 動,whieh eome 8 mo surprise tosay that_ Femote the place you go to, you can always 人 venienee , y ind The popularity of convenience stores in Taiwan 一 ie io人 mm Taiwan convenienee stores are undoubtedly aeommon sight Many People wineatng aconvenlenee so braoupofeomee Hahboudeomemmo ee emee sors 生 popuarinmaiwanis thatthey ofieravare ofserieee Tese ser care of their daily needs in one convenient place. In addition to buying 記unddrmnks people oanalso paytheirbils orfinesrwihdraw money and Preorder g Aetually, here are several elever marketing strategies behind these serviees- mketing experts of eonvenieneesstore chains know that 4一 more likely they are to buy something. Convenienee stores attract customers by Offering eustomers original purmposes may be when they walk imto a store, they will probably end up buying something Besides, many People 一條一 senienee sores@G@reiable beeause they get he impression fiom adverisemens 一1 onvenienee stores Provide-serviees to meet their daily needs。 Apparently the evergrowing Wiwan has ereateda win-win situation for both the stores and their whose 准 )@wwhih 哲“mTaiwanms bustling cities, convenience stores are definitely a common Sight. It should Taiwan has the highest densit ti by of convenienee stores im the world. Even im quiet towns, there always seems to be at least one open for business. 1 S 1 peoples daily Hfe. The reason why ods im First people visit these stores [屏東女中) 箇neverstart 00stmggle tostart (於、 displayed on 人0 語加區N Qalow 0Oinput : 佃the more frequently 氮剖 the more regular wherever 0 whenever 箇think 人0 feel 和合that the wide variety of serviees
jwide Variety of products, 多 from clothes and accessories to rice and organie vegetables, around the town or selecting delieate gifts in different department sores now People Prefer to shop online. They enjoy doing so 伯。,simply by clicking the jousee they can have what they want sent to their doorstep and thus save precious The purchase 18 so easy that, 為, there are many unwanted items stacked at home. Online sopping advertisements can be found everywhere on the Internet. The more often they appear othe Internet the more _ 下 they are to attract customers to make purehases. This strategy jstead ofTunning 2 does work, and makes online shopping more and more prosperous, (新竹高中) ) 1 Anmot (neither (gmotonly Onmever ) 條 (3 ineluding (0 ranging (Q weaving 0 sketching (/) 外 fabries 0 supplies (Oerands 0 suburbs 伏 2 QQsimee 人9主 (while (D though 人 媽 bestofall 血inreturm Modate 0 more often than not 和 2 likely possible (Gavailable 0 visual 而 Open 24 / 7 and sa由抽hroughont the island with the highest density in the World, convenience stores, by 作物. themselves into the fabric of everyday life, have become very successfu] in Taiwan. Hisacommon sight that convenience stores are as often as not with people, espeejally at mealtimes.Some people, for exaniple, tevel start their day first stop by aeonyemience Store foracup ofcoffee.





