
我想要問36、15題 拜託了

人 了 st D) as to 和 人 放 和 品in9rerto mu 人)@ 他(dp Di keep up with 條 rm apa 衣扣人 凡人全語義 mepom4 waiting for 人 四to waitingfor (0 waitf0r reountry shoultl jieved that thei mtil sofJews Kuowm Ato wa Auring Word War the Nazi g 5 je- It resulted in the onda ee 全 Wei w sent to eoneentration camps, 上 iptured yet Such as Anne Frank and her family, nm captured yet, such as ly ler of millions iem. Every day, numerous Jews w 腳、alast. As for those who had not b: they could foracha faeydid ofsurvival 狂, 窟 From Anne's diary, | purng te years when Anne Frank lived in hiding, she kepta diary'” From jeaders can Know that no Jews could keep out ofthe Holocaust_The entire world emselves could be robbed at wary and they refurned home 2 to find their families_ 別 .Even they the ofieirpossessions and sent to coneentration camps anytime, Moreover, 一和 only carrots to emed that all the ease hunger most children were often begging for food beside the roads. Its ws eouid do和. Unforfunately, as the war ended, Anne's father, Otto Frank, was the sole sumivor還te family He decided to have his daughterss diary published so that other people ww tavwe the opportunity to know more about the war between Anneys lines 〔臺中二中】 ri 4 as 呈by ( 全六 Ma (Ofor 0 with CV 人Mthat (gl which D tl 在 @@ 4 death 負d 太 died Qtodie 0 todying 76-Lesson6
jaming dropmthe bee population Though bees are timys they are the best poliinators in ature- 0e boneybee 5 able to pollinate at least 5,000 flowers aday. Over the past few deeades jowever human activity has destroyed the natural habitat ofibees, 1 leading to the drastic glne 生he number ofbees. Onee bees die of 世。 will many plants and erops as they jave no Way to be fertilized and reproduee. As aresultofthe falling yields oferops,food Prices jave been _葡。 and subsequent famine and social unrest oceur in places where food shortage gmost severe. 七“, we humans are reaping what we have sown.。 Had human beings known better than to harm the environment and cause the loss ofbiodiversity we 18 put bees and aher species im danger and ourown existence atstake [高雄女中) ) 和 (A bound to (By bring out (c) contribute to (00 responsible for ) 2 (them 箇計 (Q@ what (0D which ) 1 to 左of Q@with 0om 7 1 wand 人while gthus人而 Onamely ) 人@wso 甸nor Qthen 0 also )基 ( raising 負rising 生 。 Qarsing rousing )艾 WRumorhasitthatfAlLinall WOWhatsworse 一 0Foral ) 取 說wouldntbe (8) might have been (CO) would nothave Di could have 同 (an you imaginea world without bees? Rumorhasitthat放bees die out humans will bave no more than four years to live, and that isnt an eXaggeratione But for bees, most plants Would not be able 6o be frtilized, and humans would not be able to use these plants for the necessities 0fJife. With more than 10,000 pollen grains 1 to its body hai a worker bee can poltinate


