

108年學測 英文考科 r 頁 (和 且“說 人 饒合沸險 (Cl15分) 只 說明: 第16題至第30題,每題一個空格 ,請依文意選出最適當的一個選項 ,讀畫記在答案 卡之「選擇題答案區 」。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 第16至20題為題組 Aprii Fools” Day,。 one ofthe most light-hearted days ofthe year, has an unclear origin. Some see Hasaceliebration related to the turn ofthe seasons from Winterto spring; others, however, believe that Hi6 fcadopfion ofanew calehdar. Ancienf cuifures celebrated New Year”s Day on or around April 1, which roughly coineides with 負c peginning ofspring. n 1582, Pope Gregory XIIIorderedanew calendar, which called for New Year'S Day to be celebrafed on January 1. However, many people,either retusing to aceebt thenew date or not having heard abouf it _17 ftocelebrate New Year sD April 1. Other people began to make fun of 負ese fraditionafisfs, sending 了em on “fool's errands”or trying to fool them into believing Something 名Jse. _I8 _, fihe practice spread throughout Europe 品 therest ofthe world. Nowadays, Ap趾 Fools ) people ofteh to create elaborate hoaxes to fool others- and Wwebsites 同 participated in the Aprill traditlon 9t audiehces. The BBC once Teported that SWisS farmetsS es 0f people harvesting noodles from trees. GuesS


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對喔 either~it那句是補充說明many people 所以空格要填的是過去式的動詞
