
有點多 能教幾題就幾題🙇

(A) as humorousthan (Bjtallthan (CO as smart as (Dj more interesting as _悶“16.1have as he does.Pm notlonely ta (Aj more good friends (8B) as many good friends (C) good friends as many (Dj as much good friends _C_17.Their houseisnot___ours. (A) as bigger as (B) as biggerthan (C) so big as (D) so biggerthan _人上蛻Amy Mag asSlGyvce (A) a hardworking student (B) hardworking astudent (Castudent hardworking 1 19. Advantages of usingthe ~conditioner less include areduction in electricity bill and elp 放 (D) helps rlovers, but for others,tis quite stupid- nCing (C Dancing (D) Be dancing clingon mountain roads hejpful for both the body and 時 (cl are (D) has s my grandfather quit right away, or his lungs may collapse
_0D aewhen she came back to her seat, she found her purse (A) steal (B) to steal (C) stealing (D) stolen 27. Anumberofmodern machines make the housework (Aj easy (B) ease (C) easily (D) easiness 1交斷 Peter stayed up late jast night, so he drank alot of coffeethis morningto keep himself 全(99 學測) (A) acceptable {(B) amazed (C) accurate (Dj awake 1 291 Wecan____thespirit going by communicating often and consciously. (101 學測) (A) push (B) keep (Cj) bring (Dj) make _C_30.Thebomb attack outside the live concert left at least 20 people_ (C) dead (Dj) were dead mar old housekeeper made the poor (D)becomingalady apartment open, so iwas afraid that 只) le人 (D) kept model student because she is humble, polite, and (C) by (DX 吉本
ng _己34. Jessica saw her father thehouseinthe middle ofthe night. (A) leaves (B) to leave (C) leave (D) has left _上35.The exciting storyline and interesting characters____thebooka bestseller family. (A) have (B) make (Clet (D) get 長 found the principals speech 玉寢全 抽 (A) boring (B) bored (C) boredom 人)和oile 上 is not polite to keep the guest____fortoo long-. (A) wait (B) to wait (C) waits (D) waiting 駱_38. Since Lexie has done nothing forherfinalproject,Tthinkitis totally impossible herto finish (before tomorrow. (A) to (B) for (CO of (D) with 能是 為 _守39. ltwas so smart___thelittle Susie to find the information desk after getting lost. (A) that (B) a5 (C of (D) for 後(可能 區及 20. tis necessary___yourselfalittle more clearly. My sister and isimply cannot understand what you mean. (A) for you explain (B) for you to explain (C) of you explain (D) ofyouto explain _必 醋tisimportant afteryoutakethemedicine. The pill might stick inside yourthroat._ 記 # (A) notto lying down himself (Onottolie down _D_42.1tiskind youtohelp me with my report. icantfinish my reportontime without your help (B) by (C) with (D) gf (B)tonotiying down (D)to lie not down


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

28D是清醒的 你選的B是驚奇的
36 boring可以用來修飾物和人而bored是用來修飾人(人感到無聊的)





