
請問33題,為什麼動詞是用ed, 分詞構句,為什麼不是ing

人 忽略大小寫。 | 1ctton ever recorded in the US, history. Wrecking havoc in the Tegion along tf Mexico, the hurricane claimed the lives of 1,836 people and caused the damage of Tty at around 8l b Qn dollars.。 The most severe 1osses occurred in New Orleans, 和上 8SeTously flooded due to the failure of the levee system. Many wonder why acity in such ieyeloped country as the U.S. could not 3 the batter of a hurricane- Ausg練 ng might have its fair share of the blame, some specialists, afier 放) the data, ' the disaster was partly man-made, S displacement of thousands ofresidents and the catastrophie lossc as it was, the disaster aroused 抽 from people flooded in from around the world. The ineident also reveales indifference to the looming dangers ofthis area modify the problems in the levee system, thopefully Banalyzing `R destructive suggested
Di Me為公到不佃信人當大歷和下27 2 | 對者,得 1 分;答錯、未作答或作答多於二個本下 “上。請忽略大小寫。 | ina, a category 5 Storm, hit southern U.S. and brought about the Son Gever Tecorded in the U.S. history._Wrecking havoc in the regio along ),。 the hurricane claimed the lives of 1,836 people and caused ffhe damage of blllion dollars. The most severe losses occurred in NewW Orleans, 和 iiooded due to 也e failure of the levee System. Many Wonder why a city in Sueh a qeveloped country as the U.S. could not 921 the batter Of a hurricane。 Although glob warming mlght have 1ts fair Share Of the blame, Some SpecialiSts, after 對 和) the data 也e disaster was partly man-Imade. Sa First, 了ecity of New Orleans was developed on a swWampland on the delta QOE MISSISSIDDI River; basically it was below sea level, which thus made the city more Vulnerable to Elooding, What made things worse was 人5( _吉e city”S ground level had been SinWng eVery YeaWWIf 過 city”s development. Moreoyer over the years, the ]evees had bee d had not been 跨 jmajor maintenance work due to Shortage in funding, , the levees were orlginally ee GateOUV SAIINGHtheSellaetoriGomnbinedl caused the


34選ed是因為這句是some specialists suggested that...
