

測驗:50夠 (9 the @Reading 綜合 has sureJy changed the way we comnmunicate with othe Technojogy 江we wanted to contact friends who had lost touch with us, we had to ask our 2 。,the situation has totally Past, 1 1 changed. We can just type our friends”nameSs or personal information 1nto the 3 we want in search bar of Facebook and Twitter. and we are very likely to get seconds. You_may wonder how this WorTks. The answer 9 the rapld development of online communities and the search functlons we have to note that whatever The Jnternet is indeed a convenient tool “5 6 weuse itproperly or not, the reeords will we do on the Internet is recorded. 6 pe stored in the “history”of our computerS, the websites, and even the systems Q+ 7 friends for help or visit their places in person. 由e conmunication service providers. However hard we try, itS difficult to 8 “human flesh search.”They dig out our Tecords at wi This allows people to 9 he orshe left on the Internet. what aperson has done by following the_”. 了herefore, never ever spread rumors or posf improper pictures on the Web footprints jm the sand Show where one has been. There is always someone 入 Watching you! 和 1. (A) efficjent (B)nasty abuslve ae 各2 tA)Nowadays (B)Likewise (D) Afterwards 一3.(A)ihat (B) which (D), which “和(Atakes advantage 0f (!Bjlies in (Crclears up (D) finds out 人讓 @ !A)since fB)放 !Cj when !Dj.while _(〔(/《(Awhere 品 Who C) Whether (D) Whatever 人 7.(A)delete (B)remark (Cltorture (Di)comment (C) size up (Djclose up 到 # 8. !A) engage jn bj) track down


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5.while 然而的意思


