
C)It makes whales want to commit suicide.
D)It is complex and highly controllable.

第 49至 52 題為題組 AA 昌 1s the wa “全11mals use sounds and their echoes 同 Echolocation, also kmno% nu sn 計 Using echolocation, an animalcan Rh eIT SUIT Ing env eXamine thelir Surroun Witt that humans use sight to accomplish. In many ways, Submarine's sonar, and this Telationship was actualy al discovery ofecholocation. In World War Hamajor etecting submarines. The devices used to pick up those sound sd pmany sounds from sources that were found to be whales or 'he clicks are produced by ~Passing air through likeabeam uslng the pones of各e animaJ's skuJ Whajes are abJe to control he frequeney oftheir clicks by using a large 名祐資優英文---給屬於薄英的你/妳 “和福交暫N 鋪empranes Called fhe “phonic 和pp生
讓 革漲 je FaJed “melom. The melon also hetps to teeus tt 功e (Ge 人OH niVey ca 0 te tsuutineantnsbe SttUneY ceks 小了an 紅e蝦 ormaly co encountered in the open sea, anw_ te Wowins aanteuts We , bisi eesew ite th1 trol, bis i , 下Si ent. DespIE 人imOUUEL 9 bisonar ls not Whout MS Yattons.QeesstewaNN , Or加 四ad themselves 中 shore and die of suttocatuom, QOnce jokeW 3S Storm WANGale SA , 打45 5 jater dscoVeT catlon Would not bounc “beachings”occurre% on ed that many ofthese eback Strongly 38 tt does from SS廬toXS 而4 9 echojlo f The Word virtually”in paragraph1 is closest in mean 衣記2
nm paragraph 為 echolocatiomnz (A)Iis uncontrollable. (B)It18a perfect adaptlot.


