

Step 2 True or False 各文が本文の内容とあっていればTを、間違っていればFを書きなさい。 1. There are about 700 languages in the world. ( ) 2. About 80% of languages are used by more than 100,000 people. 3.If you learn another language, you'll have advantages. ( ) Step 3 Q&A 1. What language is used the most as a first language? 2. Is English used by the second greatest number of people? *2文で答えよう 3. What do researchers believe about knowledge of another language?
春休みの宿題で、興味のあることや人について,クラスメートにクイズ形式で伝える ほんやく あさみ ことになりました。翻訳家になりたい朝美は、世界の言語について調べて書いています。 ? How many languages are spoken in the world? - Three Interesting Facts about Languages 1. How many languages are there? - It is said that about 7,000 different languages are spoken in the world. - About 80 percent of them are used by fewer than 100,000 people. 2. What is the most common first language? - Chinese is used as a first language by the greatest number of people. - English is used by the third greatest number. 3. Should we learn another language? Many researchers believe that knowledge of another language can increase our brain power. - If we use more than one language, we can choose from a wider variety of jobs. 5 10 15 [97 words]


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