
Have you ever heard of it ? という質問に対して、No , I never have. とありますが、何故haveの前にneverが来るのでしょうか ( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ )
I have never heard of it. の heardから後ろを省略して I have never. にはならないのでしょうか ?
教えて下さい ☕️🪶

次の対話文を読んで、あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Today is Mike's birthday. His uncle, George, comes to his house. Mike's mother and uncle are now in the living room. Mike comes in. Mike Ⓡ ・対話文 ③ George : Happy birthday, Mike. How old are you now? Mike George : I'm now twelve years old. I liked reading when I was a boy, and I read a lot of books. I think you should read good books, too. So I bought you some good books that I have once read. I hope you'll like them. Mike : I have begun to read one of them. George : Oh, have you? I'm glad. Mother: Mike doesn't read many books. I sometimes George : Hello, Uncle. Yesterday I got the present you sent to me. Thank you for nice books. : Dick Bob George George : Mother : I hope so, too. It's very important for boys and girls to read good books. I hear George will take you for a drive, Mike. Mike : Yes. Bob and Dick will join us, too. Where will you take us, Uncle George? George : Well, we are going to go to the Seaside Tower. Have you ever heard of it? Mike : No, I never have. It was opened last month. It is the new tower built near the sea. The *view from the tower is very beautiful. Mother: I have read about it in a newspaper. Is it far from here? George : No, not so. It takes about an hour to go there. Bob and Dick come to Mike's house. Mike's mother takes them to the living room. Bob and Dick : Hello, Mike. Happy birthday. Mike : (books/tell/to/him/read), but he likes *magazines better. I hope he will read all the books you sent to him. : Thank you. This is my uncle, George. He will take us to the Seaside Tower. Do you know it? : Yes. I've wanted to go there. It must be an interesting place. : I know it too. But I have never visited it. Can we go up the tower? Yes, we can. I think it. Shall we start now? Mike (7) magazine : Yes, we let's go. you you know about it well. So it is not necessary to tell you about join view ll dmi house necessary 必要な


✨ 最佳解答 ✨


応答文などで本動詞が省略される場合には,never は助動詞の前に置く。×No, I have never. とは言わない。

Have you ever been to Oslo?
I never haveとなります。
I have never been thereとなります。


わゎ不思議だし違和感ありすぎる … 🥹💗 ありがとう .'.'


