

cormorant (1)(A) that (B) which (C) whom (D) whose (2)(A) carry out (B) turn out (C) come across (D) make sure (3)(A) since (B) though (C) whether (D) once ( (4)(A) to (B) for (C) with (D) × (C) (5) (A) keen (B) creative (C) specific (D) sensitive 4. Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was a master sculptor. He studied architecture*, painting, and sculpting in _(1)___ the European style of the nineteenth century. his native France, and first produced bronze* works After sculpting a local military figure, he served in the army himself during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. (2) however, his work after this war that he is most famous for. Bartholdi first visited America in 1871 (3) the idea of a large building project that could reflect the strong ties between the two nations. His "Liberty Enlightening the World" design was eventually* approved, and a special union was formed with the goal of raising money for the giant __(4)___. In the years to follow, Bartholdi worked on _(5)____ two decades for his dream to this project and other sculptures around America. In the end, it took be realized. On October 28, 1886 he finally introduced his Statue of Liberty to the world. 註:architecture 建築學 bronze 青銅 eventually 最終 (1)(A) on (B) by (C) in (D) to ) (2)(A) It is (B) Such is (C) They are (D) It has ) (3)(A) by proposing (B) to propose (B) tourist (C) globe (5)(A) due to (B) in addition to (C) close to (D) next to (C) of proposes (D) at proposing (D) monument 甜相机 (4)(A) slave 5. One of the greatest gifts France has ever given the United States is, of course, the Statue of Liberty. thig important New York landmark has been a popular_(1)___ and draws millions of


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