
3の(1) ( 2 )の答え教えて頂きたいです🙇🏻‍♀️

3 次の文章は, アメリカに帰国した Mike が Hiroto に送ったEメールの内容である。 Dear Hiroto, Thank you for helping me a lot during my stay in Japan. I enjoyed visiting various places with you. The Mountain Area was one of them. Walking across the bridge in the valley was especially exciting. I enjoyed visiting places that were rich in nature. Since coming back to my country, I have read many books to learn more about Japan. There are a lot of beautiful places to see in your country. After I talked about that with my father, he made a plan for our family to visit Japan next spring. I was really surprised! Next time, I want to visit many new places. My parents said Japan is famous for its traditional culture. And they want to enjoy it. What should we do in Japan? Do you have any ideas? If you do, please tell me about them. I'm looking forward to seeing you in Tokyo next spring. Yours, Mike 3
(1) このEメールの内容と合っているのは、次のうちではどれか。 ア Mike was very surprised when his father made a plan to visit Japan the next spring. イ Mike visited the Mountain Area with his father and enjoyed walking across the bridge. ウ Mike read many books to learn more about nature in Japan before he went back to his country. エ Mike showed his father a plan to visit Japan because he wanted to meet Hiroto again in Tokyo. (2) Hiroto は Mike に返事のEメールを送ることにしました。 あなたが Hiroto だとしたら, Mike に どのような返事のEメールを送りますか。 次の<条件>に合うように、下の の中に, 三つの英語の文を書きなさい。 <条件> 前後の文につながるように書き,全体としてまとまりのある返事のEメールとすること。 Mike に伝えたい内容を一つ取り上げ、それを取り上げた理由などを含めること。 Hello, Mike, (少しの)時間 (しばらくの)間 Thank you for your e-mail. I enjoyed reading it. While you were in Japan, we visited many places. I had a good time when we visited the places that were rich in nature. I have special memories of our time together. In Japan, you can enjoy traditional Japanese culture in many places. You can have interesting experiences. I'll tell you one idea. mote ☐ x 2004 saison I hope to visit some places with you when we meet again next spring. I'm looking forward to it. Your friend, Hiroto


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

ア ○
イ ×
the Mountain areaにはHirotoと行ったから。
ウ ×
エ ×

Why don't you visit to Kyoto?
You can wear Yukata there.
Yukata is one of traditional things of Japan.


