

(75%) ア〜ウの絵は次の英文のある場面を表している。 あらすじに従って並べ替えなさい。 について irato いった < 鹿児島県改題〉 $11 Many students were talking about Christmas vacation when Mary went into the €²12.11.13 classroom. Mary found Lucy at her desk. Mary smiled at her. Lucy smiled back at Mary, but she didn't look fine. Just then their teacher, Mr. Smith, came. He told the students about the schedule of the day and said, "I have sad news for you. Lucy and her family will move to London. Tomorrow is the last day for Lucy at school." Mary didn't understand Mr. Smith. "What did he say? Is Lucy going to move before Christmas? Really?" After Mr. Smith left the classroom, Mary went to Lucy and said, "Is it true?" Lucy looked very sad. Mary said, "I'm so sad. You didn't tell me such an important thing." Lucy said, "Well, ..." Mary couldn't stop saying, "I thought we were best friends." *Tears came out of Lucy's eyes and she walked away from Mary. Mary didn't enjoy dinner that night. After dinner, she went to her room. Mary sat on the chair and looked at a beautiful blue *hat on the desk. Mary *said to herself, "Did my words make Lucy very sad?" Then her mother came into the room. "Oh, Mary, it's a very beautiful blue hat! Is it your present for Lucy?" her mother asked. "Well, yes, it was. Lucy has beautiful blue eyes. So this blue hat is wonderful for her. But Lucy will not want this now," Mary said. "What happened? Both of you have *exchanged presents at Christmas every year," her mother said. Mary began to tell her about Lucy at school. After her mother listened to Mary, she said, "Well, how about going to Lucy's house with me now? You should give the present to Lucy." When Mary and her mother *arrived in front of Lucy's house, Mary said in the car, "Mother, I can't go to the door. Lucy doesn't want to see me." Her mother said, "I know how you are feeling. But don't worry. You can do it!" but she got out of the car and went to the door. Soon Lucy's father came to the door. Lucy was not at home. Mary told him about the present and gave it to him. Lucy's father *hugged Mary and said, "Thank you very much. Lucy will be very happy." Mary was afraid The next morning, Mary saw Lucy at school. Lucy was wearing the blue hat. Lucy ran to Mary and hugged her. Lucy said, "I'm sorry, Mary. I didn't tell you about moving to London because I didn't want to *lose you. But I was wrong. Can you still be my best friend after I say goodbye to you?" Mary said, "Of course, we will always be best friends. Lucy, I'm also sorry. I didn't try to understand how you were feeling." * schedule () tear(s) () hat (7) say to oneself (5) exchange (~3) arrive (到着する) hug (~を抱きしめる) lose (〜を失う) ア 59


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