

14) 次の英文を読んで、あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Jack is writing an e-mail to Mike now. Hi, Mike. I arrived in Hokkaido two weeks ago. My school here is wonderful! I can't speak Japanese well yet, but I've made friends with many students at school. I read some books about Japan before I came here, but 5 school life are new to me. many things about Japanese "C For example, an interesting thing happened at lunch time on my first day at this school. After the fourth class finished, suddenly my classmates began to eat lunch in our classroom! And they put their lunch boxes on their own desks! I couldn't believe it. So I asked my friend, Takeshi, "Aren't your desks for studying?" He 10 looked a little surprised and answered, Of course they are, but we use them when we eat lunch, too. Why do you ask?" Another interesting thing happened after school that day. After we finished our class, some students started to clean the classroom. That also surprised me. Because our school in America has a "cleaning staff, students and teachers don't have 15 to clean. The next day, I cleaned my classroom with my classmates for the first time. After cleaning with them, I felt good. I think that it's good for students to clean the places that they use. 100点 *Lastly, we have our school trip for five days next month. You may also be interested in this because our school in America doesn't have such a long trip. I'm 20 very happy because I will go to Kyoto, Tokyo, and other places in Japan. Now my classmates and I often talk about our school trip. It is interesting to plan what places we will visit in Japan. I want to see some famous places and old Japanese buildings with my own eyes. I sometimes feel there are many differences between Japan and America. This 25 makes my life in Japan very exciting every day. I'll tell you about my school trip next time. () surprise cleaning staff ‡‚ (= janitor) [問1] 下線部 ① を, ほぼ意味が同じで次のように書きかえるとき, 1語が入るか答えなさい。 There are many things that I didn't lastly 最後に, 終わりに にはそれぞれどのような (15点) know about Japanese
school life. 〔問2] 下線部 ② 中の it は具体的に何を指していますか。 次の そのitの意味を明らかにしながら全文を書きかえなさい。 I couldn't believe にそれぞれ適する 1語を入れ (15点) in my classmates used their their classroom eat lunch. 〔問3] 下線部 ③ の英文は, ある部分が省略されています。 次の つ入れて, 英文を完成させなさい。 Of course they are [問4] 下線部④ の That は具体的に何を指していますか。 次の その That の意味を明らかにしながら全文を書きかえなさい。 I was also surprised to see that some of my classmates started to the classroom after [問5] 下線部⑤を日本文になおしなさい。 ( 〔問6] 本文の内容に合うものには○, 合わないものには×を( )に書きなさい。 (1) ( にそれぞれ適する語を1話ず (15点) にそれぞれ適する 1語を入れ, (15点) (20点) (10点×2) ) Because Jack can't speak Japanese, he can't make any friends at his school in Hokkaido. (2)( ) Jack is happy about his school trip next month because he is looking forward to seeing some famous places and old buildings in Japan with his own eyes. 文法の整理 - <間接疑問文> 間接疑問文…疑問詞 (what, when, where, how など) で始まる疑問文が1つの文の一部分(特 に動詞の目的語)になっているもの。 「〈疑問詞+主語+動詞>の語順」 で, 動詞の形は主語に合 わせる。 I know where he lives. 〈疑問詞+主語+一般動詞〉 (私は彼がどこに住んでいるか知っています) | 比較 Where does he live ? 〈疑問詞+助動詞+主語+一般動詞〉 (彼はどこに住んでいますか ) I know who you are. 〈疑問詞+主語+be 動詞〉 (私はあなたがだれだか知っています) 比較 Who are you ? 〈疑問詞 + be 動詞 + 主語〉 (あなたはだれですか) I know who found the book. 〈疑問詞 (+主語) +一般動詞> (私はだれがその本を見つけたか知っています) 比較 Who found the book ? 疑問詞が主語の疑問文は, 〈疑問詞 (主語) +一般動詞〉のまま。


