

1, You like sports Td like to read. A. whenB. whileC. butD. yet 2. we were singing, the teacher came in. A. BeforeB. afterC. AsD. Until 3. I Was about to leave my house, the phone rang. A. whileB. whenC. asD. ofter 4. They did not stop fighting there was no enemy left. A. untilB. ofterC. whenD. since 5, Thave not seen him he went to college. A. when B. beforeC. asD. since 6, It is five days we came here. A. whenB. beforeC. asD. since 7, It wos not long _he got to know it. A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. นntil 8. We shall go, A. wheneverB. whateverC. whereverD. however _we are free. 9. | live, Imust serve the people heart and Soul. A. WhenB. So long asC. As soon asD. On condition 10, I Was reading anovel _he was watching TV. A. whenB. whileC. beforeD. as 11, Put the medicine Lyou can easily get it. A. So that B. whereC. whichD. there 12. We will go the Party wonts us to go. A. whereverB. thereC. to the placeD. which there is awill there is o Way. 13, A. WhenB. WhereC. WhetherD. How 14, I am going _you went last week. A. whereB. whereverC. whenD. the place 15, Lyou go , you should bear the motherland in your mind. A. WhereB. Wherever C. WhateverD. However 16, weather permits, we'll have an outing. A. For B. ThoughC. WhileD. If 17, You won't succeed harder. A. unless you will workB. นnless you work C. unless you don't workD. if you won't work 18, I wonder if he us, and I think if he us well be able to complete the ta sk ahead of time. A. helps, helpsB. will help, helps C. helps, will helpD. will help, will help

