

2 (As +) adj./adv. + as + S + V, S + V.... 具修飾作用的形容詞或曲。 o 說明 (1)本句型為「儘管……;雖然……」的倒裝句型 至句首,形成倒裝語序,但主要子句不倒装。代換方式如下: adj./adv. + though + S + V, S + V.... + S+ VS + iube ► Although/Though + S + V + adj./adv., S + V.... 注意:倒装句中絕對不可使用 although。 US (2) 美式英語中,常在句首的形容詞或副詞之前加上as。句型為: As + adj./adv. + as + S + V, S + V.... 注意:若在句首加上as, adj./adv. 之後就不能用 though DIOS 3 Hard as/though Aiden works, he can't make enough money to support his family, = Although/Though Aiden works hard, he can't make enough money to support I family. 雖然Aiden 很努力工作,他無法賺足夠的錢來養家。 · (As) Smart as Wendy is, she sometimes makes stupid mistakes. ( = Although / Though Wendy is smart, she sometimes makes stupid mistakes. 雖然Wendy 很聰明,她有時會犯很蠢的錯誤。 • (As) Serious as Rita looks, she is actually caring and considerate. = Although/Though Rita looks serious, she is actually caring and considerate. 雖然Rita 看起來很嚴肅,她其實很樂於助人也很體貼。 29932 1000 - - 牛刀小試 som id deinit (bfworla) roz nod tibi bollent ) 1. he isn't happy with his life. (A) Successfully as Terry is (B) As rich as Terry is (Q Though successful Terry isolm (D) Rich although Terry is (17) ggrrrr


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

Successfully是副詞 還原句子是 though Tom is successfully 可看出 is 後面要接形容詞 應該用successful才對
