

ul 9. Everyone had a (mourn) expression on his or her face during the funeral ceremony. Jason's Nike sneakers are fake, but they do bear a close (resemble) to the real brand-name shoes. II. 綜合測驗:20% Desemblanceo 11. you » One of the most important animals in Mexican culture is the Xoloitzcuintli. This word looks very strange, and unless you're from Mexico, you're probably wondering how to pronounce it. Don't let it 11. death with that unusual combination of letters. 12. _, you can simply say it like this: show-low-eats-queen-t-Lee. Hopefully this makes much easier to read. orice bigos Xoloitzcuintli, or just “xolo” for short, is a type of dog found in almost every corner of Mexico. It is often associated with the 13. of death. This is because, according to tradition, xolos are believed 14. _ their ghosts to the underworld after people pass away. They do so in order to prevent souls 15. the afterlife from getting lost, or from staying on earth longer than they should. The name Xoloitzcuintli is derived from Xolotl, the Aztec god of death and lightning, 16. itzcuintli, the Aztec word for “dog.” Some people would rather refer to it as the “Mexican hairless dog” than 17. it Xoloitzcuintli. “Mexican hairless dog” perfectly describes the dog, 18. its fur is very short and very smooth. Apart from this covering that 19. a horse's coat, xolos are also known for their lively nature. Intelligent and playful, they're perfect symbols of a country 20. death is not feared but celebrated. These “dogs of the dead” are actually full of life!) sono il otw bno vodo ixolod UNO 騰文化 肯定自己》肯定不同
orar (B) feast snov Est son 20 (D) with ) 11. (A) cheer; up (B) turn; down (C) equip; with (D) scare; to ) 12. (A) As a result (B) Instead (C) In addition (D) However C) 13. (A) concept (C) theft (D) habitat (0) 14. (A) guide (B) guiding (C) to guide (D) to have guided (B) 15. (A) running out (B) heading to vo b (C) building on (D) feeding on 16. (A) in addition to (B) with regard to (C) as well as (D) in spite of (C) 17. (A) to call (B) calling (C) call (D) called (D) 18. (A) until sinqton (B) while doit (C) thoughs (D) since been D) 19. (A) anticipates (B) restores ind 1(C) reunites bad (D) resembles city (D) 20. (A) which or mob (B) where to Ic (C) when ogas (D) what . 文意選填:20%(忽略選項大小寫) 2015 bwoo temp (A) honor (B) preference (C) essential (E) for exam seein (F) indeed (G) arrival 09 10 YH) recognized (1) cycle (througho The Aztecs were one of earth's earliest and greatest civilizations. 21. we have them Kink Te many aspects of our modern culture. Chocolate and chewing gum, 22. , are both conside ram bloga bhalo man With been Aztec inventions. They're also 23. as the first people to introduce popcorn to th no world. It is thought that even compulsory schooling* originated over five hundred years ago entra indigenous* Mexican people. Today, historians believe the Aztecs, whose 25. three- in Mexico is dated at around the first lived in the northwest of the country. They had a definite 26. for this region becau erysta there and ruled the area until the start of the sixteenth century. This came to an end with th Mexico by the Spanish in 1521. que TO A


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

Death is not feared but celebrated in the country
→ in which death is not feared but celebrated
→ where death is not feared but celebrated



